




Human impacts on the natural environment during the later part of the Holocene (beginning about 4,000 years ago) complicate investigations into environmental change during that period because the signals produced by human- and climate-induced change are sometimes difficult to separate. For example, in the later Holocene, one indicator of increased aridity due to climate change is an increase in pollen from grasses, as forest vegetation gives way to grassland. Such a change in vegetation could alternatively be attributed to human impact in the form of agricultural development. Examples of such human impact from 4,000 years ago would be small-scale, however, since the broad ecosystem changes brought about by the widespread adoption of agricultural technologies occurred later.

Which of the following best describes the function of the highlighted sentence in the context of the passage as a whole?

A. It provides an example of the kind of problems that often complicate investigations into environmental change.

B. It call into question the reliability of the established dates for later Holocene agricultural development.

C. It describes the nature of localized agricultural developments during the later Holocene.

D. It outlines a hypothesis that draws on evidence discussed earlier in the passage.

E. It limits the scope of a particular complication mentioned earlier in the passage.



? 第一句:作者提出自己观点:人类影响因素使得对4000年前开始,环境变化的调查研究复杂化(complicate into),因为人类和气候诱发的环境变化的signal经常难以区分开

? 第二句:作者举例支持自己观点:森林植被变成草地,使得植物花粉增加,既可以理解为自然气候越来越干燥,也可以归因于人类农业发展的影响

? 第三句:然而,这种4000年前人类影响的例子是比较少的哦(small-scale),因为广泛采用农业技术导致的环境变化后来才大规模的发生(changes occurred later)



B选项,call into question,表示反驳,错!



E选项,正确!!!限定了文章第二句指出的一个particular complication的scope;即small-scale.为什么要用particular complication这个词呢?particular表示具体的,因为第一句话是综述观点,第二句话是例子,所以是一个具体的complication


When studying shrimp feeding from hydro-thermal vents at the bottom of the ocean, biologists were surprised that the shrimps’ reproductive cycles followed seasonal patterns. Far beyond the reach of sunlight, and with food abundant around the vents all year round, why should such animals reproduce seasonally? The answer might involve their offspring, which in their larval form drift in the currents to colonize new vents. The larvae must feed during their trip, and their spring time release coincides with a peak in algae raining down from surface waters. So far,

researchers have found no evidence of seasonal breeding among vent-dwelling species that provide their offspring with yolk to sustain them or among vent-dwelling species found in areas of the ocean with not seasonal algae blooms.

Which of the following best describes the function of the highlighted sentence?

A. It casts doubt on the accuracy of earlier observations of seasonal breeding among shrimp species living near hydro-thermal vents.

B. It undermines the explanation proposed for seasonal breeding among some shrimp species living near hydro-thermal vents.

C. It suggests that alternative theories are needed to explain seasonal breeding among shrimp species living near hydro-thermal vents.

D. It describes the survival benefits to shrimp of mating in parts of the ocean where algae blooms rain down abundantly.

E. It supports the explanation proffered for the seasonal breeding observed among some shrimp species living near hydro-thermal vents.



GRE阅读中的句子作用题解题思路分析:首先通过题干中定位词找到句子所在位置,比如上文题目中提到的两个人名就是定位词,然后我们要做的就是分析所问对象指向的逻辑上一层主题,也就是这句话在文章当中的作用或者说功能,如问到例子的作用,答案往前找论点,答案常有 illustrate 或 give an example of。按一般规律来说,答案多往前找,偶尔也在后文。



句子成分 → 句子主干

句子 → 论

观点 → 主题

结论 → 主题

Although passenger pigeons, now extinct, were abundant in eighteenth-and nineteenth-century America, archaeological studies at twelfth-century Cahokian sites in the present-day United States examined household food trash and found that traces of passenger pigeon were quite rare. Given that the sites were close to a huge passenger pigeon roost documented by John James Audubon in the nineteenth century and that Cahokians consumed almost every other animal protein source available, the archaeologist conducting the studies concluded the passenger pigeon population had once been very limited before increasing dramatically in post-Columbian America. Other archaeologists have criticized those conclusions on the grounds that passenger pigeon bones would not be likely to be preserved. But all the archaeological projects found plenty of bird bones–and even some tiny bones from fish. (来自网络提供的真题回忆05年3月15日考题)

1. The author of the passage mentions tiny bones from fish primarily in order to

A. Explain why traces of passenger pigeon are rare at Cahokian sites

B. Support a claim about the wide variety of animal proteins in the Cahokian diet

C. Provide evidence that confirms a theory about the extinction of the passenger pigeon

D. Cast doubt on the conclusion reached by the archaeologists who conducted the studies discussed in the passage

E. Counter an objection to an interpretation of the data obtained from Cahokian sites

解题思路:首先通过题干tiny bones from fish 定位到文章中最后一句话,通过对整体文章结构的分析,我们会发现作者提出这个信息点是为了对前一句Other archaeologists所提出的观点进行否定,通过but也可以明确这个点,而Other archaeologists所说的结论是否定前面提到the archaeologist conducting the studies 的观点,所以本题答案为E。

Finally, Earths unique and massive satellite, the Moon, plays a crucial role in stabilizing the obliquity of Earths rotational axis, this obliquity creates the terrestrial seasonality so important to the evolution and diversity of life. Mars, in contrast, has a wildly oscillating tilt and chaotic seasonality, while Venus, rotating slowly backward, has virtually no seasonality at all.(来自网络回忆真题05年3月15 日)

3. The author of the passage most likely mentions Mars oscillating tilt primarily in order to

A. Provide evidence for a proposition about the potential effects of cometary impacts

B. Emphasize the absence from our solar system of normal planets

C. Contrast the rotational axis of Mars with that of Venus

D. Characterize the role of other planets in the solar system in earths development

E. Emphasize the importance of the Moon to the development of life on Earth

解题思路:通过题干定位Mars oscillating tilt找到文章中的最后一段最后一句,而通过对这一段的结构分析,你会发现这句话的目的显然是为了支持这一段的第一句话,通过in contrast也可以明确这一点,而这段的中心思想也就是说月亮对地球起到很重要的作用,所以本题答案选择E。解题思路









今天重新做了GRE阅读36套,E21-E22,10篇! 以上是前提。关于新GRE考试中的长阅读,长阅读基本上来说是新旧观点对比,这10个section里6个长阅读,4个是新旧观点(E28/E26 /E25/E21),1个是双方面(E27),1个是全文论证一个观点(E23),而双方面E27里的第一方面也有新旧观点对比,E23虽然是一个观点,但是有批评了对这个观点的一种理解,赞扬了另一种理解so,长阅读形式上来说基本上都是“新旧观点”型!




答案基本可以定位,如作者为什么要说_X啊?这个_X基本就是论述的中心概念或者举例,这个一定位就好办了,通常是为了证明新论点的。不过气人的是通常多选出在这个题目上,本来论证部分逻辑就比较饶,再加上多选,所以我的策略是: 放弃!(可能是我的程度不够,大家结合自己的实力,不过千万不可浪费太长时间在此题




so,新GRE考试中长文章的读法大概就是,开头背景、旧观点、旧观点论证全都略读,新观点论证,基本也可略读,注意一下举例的那个名词就行。重点是要理解抓住新观点句(第二段首句)、新观点让步(第三段首句)、和最后一段。通过这种详略,基本上1分半读完长文章!做完题目差不多4分钟,最多6分钟! 正确率基本在3/4,这基本上符合我对长文章的要求了已经。




