




[if !supportLists]一. [endif]成就感(achievement)

关键词句: a sense ofachievement virtuouscycle良性循环 grand feat/exploit 辉煌的业绩 attainment of goals elevate our self-esteem be conductive to self-actualization 有助于自我实现

万能段落:By doing (something), we can enjoy a sense of achievement.The feat of accomplishing is conductive to self-actualization, which will inevitably elevate our self-esteem. Inflated esteem will proportionally contribute to even more solid achievement. This is virtuous cycle toward a better career. For example, I have a relative who works in a big company. He was once awarded the opportunity to travel abroad that excited him for quite a long time. After that he worked even harder and gained the elevated esteem.

[if !supportLists]二. [endif]被认可感(acknowledgement)

关键词句: A willing ox任劳任怨的人 selfless contribution the stat of being recognized a sense of belonging provide satisfaction motivation for further improvement

万能段落: By acknowledgement,I mean the state of being recognized. When we are recognized by our company (school/college/group/community or society), we can experience a sense of belonging. The feeling of being recognized provides satisfaction and motivation for further improvement. Hence, when a person can be identified by others, the subsequent outcome can be beyond imagination. Bill Gates, through luck, diligence, and team spirit leads Microsoft to splendor. And he distributes his wealth generously, which won him a name: the greatest philanthropist around the world. His success is acknowledged by our society. And his satisfaction index can be higher than that of any other peers.

[if !supportLists]三. [endif]健康(health)

关键词句: ingredients to sound health健康的要素 physical health psychological health well-adjusted to the society sound health as fit as a fiddle 身体好 discard health hazard robust strength体力充沛Health is above wealth.

万能段落:Fresh air, clean water and nutritious food are indispensable ingredients to sound health.So if we live in good environment and enjoy healthful diet, our physical health can be guaranteed. Also if we have positive hobbies like reading and other mental pursuits, our psychological health can be elevated. Anyway, health is above wealth, we should exert our efforts to discard health hazard in order to attain a better life.

[if !supportLists]四. [endif]安全(safety)

关键词句: be protected against failure, damage a sense of securityfacilitate the harmony of society Safety is the top priority.

万能段落:Safety refers to the condition of beingprotected against failure, damage, error, accidents, harm, et cetera. Safety is usually our main concern.

[if !supportLists]五. [endif]方便(convenience)

关键词句: perform daily errands从事日常业务 get easy access to 容易接近 do not have to exert ourselves too much 不用太费力气 Convenience matters.便利至关重要

万能段落:Convenience means being suitable and useful for us to carry out daily tasks.If something is convenient and easy to be made use of, we get easy access it, then the potential can be fully exploited. We do not have to exert ourselves too much to obtain the benefit. As a result, we can devote more time and efforts to accomplishing other business that is urgent and pivotal.

[if !supportLists]六. [endif]沟通(communication)

关键词句: people skill人际交往能力 disparate people各色人等 bare one’s heart敞开心扉 exchange of ideas transmission of messages harmony of the relationship communication can be heart-warming channels of communication are open

万能段落:Communication is about the exchange of ideas, opinions and information through written or spoken words, symbols or actions.The smooth exchange of information and ideas between disparate people can be thrilling and heart-warming. When we bare our hearts to communicate, we can eliminate the conflict or contradiction. Thus, the distance among people will surely be shortened. Thus, we can achieve the purpose of transmission of messages. In the meanwhile, the interaction arises, which definitely improves teamwork. Hence, we can harvest (garner/reap) both the success of cooperation and the harmony of the relationship.

[if !supportLists]七. [endif]持久性(durability)

关键词句: lastingnessof goods deep impression eternal/everlasting impact far-reaching influence unforgettable memory garner/assimilate nutrition汲取营养

万能段落:By durability,I mean goods may have lastingness; love is eternal; friendship is everlasting. When something gives us deep impression, we surely will have an unforgettable memory. For example, paper writing and classroom discussions are more durable in our mind than examinations can give. When we build a library, we build a cradle of knowledge. This is a transformation of life, which can be durable and far-reachin

托福写作的十三个万能理由[if !supportLists]八. [endif]愿望(desire)

  关键词句: crave for/long for/yearn for/pine for creatures of desire欲望之物 meet our needs to one’s heart’s content尽情享受 fulfill one’s dream satisfy one’s vanity 满足虚荣心

  万能段落:Desire refers to our hope or inclination.We are all creatures of desires. We try our best/endeavor to satisfy our desire and vanity: the desire to relax to our heart’s content; the desire to gain more knowledge; the desire to earn big money and the desire to be loved. To meet one’s desire is to enjoy a happy life. Hence, we are all willing to sacrifice our time and efforts to make our heart’s desire fulfilled.

  [if !supportLists]九. [endif]效率(efficient)

  关键词句: make full use of resource not to squander efficiency-conscious take a shortcut走捷径 Efficiency is gold. We use half of the effort, but we can double the result.

  万能段落:Being efficiency means not to waste and not to squander.Sometimes we use half of the effort, but we can double the result. Modern people chase after efficiency that is the catchword around the globe. Our work efficiency can be enhanced if we adopt proper method; our learning efficiency can be elevated if we take a shortcut. Anyway, when we make full use of the devices at our hands, we may achieve efficiency, which can save our time and efforts.

  [if !supportLists]十. [endif]节约(economical)

  关键词句: money- conscious重金钱的 cut down the price steady development Waste not, and want not. 不浪费,不短缺 Husband energy, and cut emission. 节能减排 To save is to earn Our society is economy-driven.节约型社会 A penny saved is a penny earned.

  万能段落:Being economical means using the minimum of time or resources necessary for effectiveness.Being economical or money- saving is vital to people as an English proverb puts it that “ a penny saved is a penny earned”. When we achieve economy in expenditure, we are in fact making money work for us. When we bargain and cut down the price, we are money-conscious; when we take bus instead of driving our own cars, we are reducing the cost for petrol.

  [if !supportLists]十一. [endif]环保(environmental)

  关键词句: emit hazardous materials alternative energy maintain ecological balance go green多种树,讲环保 environmental awareness environment-friendly reduce, reuse, and recycle sustainable development exhaust natural resources There is no boundary between human and nature.

  万能段落:Being environmental is related to the natural environment, its protection and conservation.In order to maintain ecological balance, our environment awareness should be enhanced. When we are green-washed; when we become environment-friendly, we may realize three “r”s: reduce, reuse, and recycle. These three ”r”s are vital to the preservation of a cleaner, better environment that will benefit people’s wellbeing.

  [if !supportLists]十二. [endif]经验(experience)

  关键词句: undergo ordeal first-hand experience accumulation of knowledge Experience is wealth. Experience is a helmsman guiding our voyage.Other people’s experience can be of help.它山之石可以攻玉 The proof of the pudding is in the eating.事物的好坏需要经过实践检验

  万能段落: Experience refers to the accumulation of knowledge or skill that result from direct participation in events or activities.Our experience is a wealth that can enrich our life. When we enjoy modern educational facilities and indulge in the prestigious academic atmosphere, we can harvest valuable educational experience. When we undergo the training of expertise experiences serve as an enlightenment brightening our career path.

  [if !supportLists]十三. [endif]情感(emotion)

  关键词句: bare one’s heart share ups and downs facilitate communication harmonious relationship form an emotional tie/emotional attachment Harmony spurs efficiency.

  万能段落:By emotion,I refer to joy, sensitivity, pleasure, anger and so on. If people can share emotions, they can form an emotional tie among them, which will link their feelings. This emotional attachment is beneficial to harmonious relationship as well as to the fulfillment of a project. For example, my good friend and I are on good emotional terms. We share sorrow and happiness. As a result, our lives become happier and more enjoyable.


  同学们在写作时有没有这样的困惑:为什么背了这么多年的单词但是感觉写作文的时候还是写不出好词佳句?或者写出来的作文常常带有中式思维的痕迹? 其实中国人学写诗就有一句古话叫做“熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟”。由此晓得,背诵或者记忆确实对我们的写作提高帮助非常大。但是要提高写作,仅仅会背单词是不够的,我们一定要从单词的积累跨越到语块的积累。



  举例来说,我们看一个单词“abandon”。这个单词相信大家都背过,是放弃的意思。但是到底怎么才能把这个单词用好?什么情况去用这个单词呢?如果我们去查词典,这里以朗文字典为例,我们就知道,abandon有遗弃; 放弃的意思。但这远远不够。当abandon 表示遗弃的时候,常见的搭配是abandon a baby;所以弃婴是abandoned baby。同理,abandon 作为放弃是大家最常见的意思,但是什么时候用放弃这个意思呢。如果我们去看单词的搭配,我们就知道,abandon 有两个层面的意思,第一是具象的层面:如abandon a car/abandon a city。这里的意思就可以用leave 代替。而另一是抽象的层面。如abandon their attempts/ideas/hopes 等等,这次层面就相当于give up的含义。最后abandon 还可以跟to 搭配,有沉溺于;不能自拔的意思, 如abandon oneself to grief (沉浸在悲伤) 和abandon oneself to fantasies (沉溺于幻想的意思)。从上述的例子可以看出,要学会一个单词的使用,最重要的是看它能跟哪些单词搭配,有没有固定的短语可以使用。托福写作中常见的例子还有be preoccupied with (专注于), be occupied with (忙于什么)等等。


  语块另一层面是句型。如果我们能记住一些句型并熟练使用,也能大大充实我们的写作。比如说,it is universally acknowledged that …, 对于这些句型,我们需要直接记住,并通过一两个例句的练习熟练掌握。如It is universally acknowledged that education plays an significant role in our life。这些句型的熟练掌握能够帮助我们在写作的时候有话能讲而且节省写作时间。这比光记住universally 和 acknowledge 这两个单词要实用的多。


  最后语块是英文里面脍炙人口的谚语。比如新概念第三册23册里的经典句 “One man’ meat is another men’s poison”(萝卜青菜更有所爱)和 另一个谚语“great minds think alike” (英雄所见略同) 。这两则短语就可以很好地运用下面这道题目中:In order to succeed, it’s better for a person to act the same as others rather than behave differently from others.





  "The new rules should thus expose polluters to a scissor-style pressure:from above,through the central-planning system,and from below,from the media and organisations such as Mr Ma's."


  _x be exposed to a scissor-style pressure: from above, through…, and from below, from….




  1. A majority of the youths today are exposed to a scissor-style pressure: from above, through looking after the ever growing aging population, and from below, from the soaring costs of raising children.

  2. A multitude of teenagers at present are exposed to a scissor-style pressure: from above, through their parents with ever-higher expectations, and from below, from their peers most of whom try their best to outdo each other.


  1. People care more about public recognition than about money.


  2. Younger school children should be required to study music and art in addition to language, science, and mathematics.




  While, arguably, this “finding” is as trivial as an umbrella that turns blue when it’s going to rain, there is nothing trivial about collecting personal data, as innocuous as that data may seem.


  While...seems/sounds as adj. as can be, there is nothing more adj. than...


  我们在独立写作中经常用到对比的写法。这个句型可用在具有对比意味的语境中,前半句当作让步,“尽管对比中的一个因素看起来已经很…”, 后半句转折说“但是另一个因素更…”.


  1. While environmental protection seems as pressing as can be, there is nothing more pressing than feeding the growing population in disadvantaged countries where the original eco-system is well preserved.

  2. While a secure job seems as tempting as can be, there is no job more tempting than a risky and well-paid one for the new generation who are mostly avid challenge hunters.

  3. While playing sports with a couple of friends sounds as relaxing as can be, there is nothing more relaxing than a good book or an old movie for those manual laborers who are wearied out with strenuous physical work every day.


  1. Feeding the world’s growing population is more important than protecting environment.

  这道题中如果我们持同意的意见,就可以用到第一个例句。尽管到处都在宣扬保护环境的重要,但是并非世界各地的环境都破坏了啊,比如美丽的非洲大草原原始生态环境保持完好,但是一些边缘小国民不聊生,人民瘦的皮包骨,你说feed population重要还是保护环境重要呢?

  2. It is better to take a secure job with a low pay than to take a risky one with a high salary.


  3. To read a book or to watch a movie is a better way to relax than to do some physical exercises.




  It takes very little imagination to foresee how the kitchen mood wall could lead to advertisements for antidepressants that follow you around the Web...It takes even less imagination to foresee how information about your comings and goings obtained from the Google Latitude Doorbell could be used in a court of law.


  It takes very little imagination to ….It takes even less imagination to ...




  1. It takes very little imagination to foresee how fast competition in the adulthood would turn vicious; it takes even less imagination to foresee in what way vicious competition would influence friendships.

  2. It takes little imagination to visualize what people would be like if they do not have access to education. It takes even less imagination to visualize what a country would be like if its people are, through no fault of their own, ignorant.

  3. It takes little imagination to foresee that people’s awareness will soon be enhanced. It takes even less imagination to foresee that governments of different countries will take joint efforts and sponsor more scientific researches against the exacerbating environment.


  1. Competition between friends always has negative influence on their friendship.


  2. Improving schools is the most important factor for the successful development of a country.


  3. The most important problems that affect our society can be solved within our lifetime.

  现在人类最烦心的事是什么?看看帝都人民发明的APEC blue就知道了,环境啊。那环境问题能不能在我们有生之年解决呢?当然了,都已经水深火热成这样了,人民的环保意识肯定会提高啊,过年过节放鞭炮的都少了;基层人民都行动了,各国政府还好意思围观么,当然得行动起来了。当年的伦敦雾霾一世纪就缓过来了,我们现在科技这么发达,心情这么迫切,很有可能环境问题几十年就解决了。所以这道题答yes就行了。



  Meanwhile, cars themselves are becoming computers on wheels, with operating system updates coming wirelessly over the air.




  两个主语发出两种动作,这两种动作又几乎同时发生,你会怎么写?打赌80%的同学都是The economy is developing fast, but the environment is deteriorating. 为了增强句式变化,我们可以使用一个with的复合结构,把其中一个主语和动作塞进复合结构里。


  1. Urban residents find it more difficult to raise children than five decades ago, with living cost and tuition hitting all time high.

  2. Fresh grads in first-tier cities nowadays find themselves more pressured than ever before, with competition in the job market growing increasingly stiff.

  3. This is due to the fact that students can retrieve information and obtain knowledge from various sources other than teachers, with new media advancing continuously these years.


  1. It is easier for parents to raise children than 50 years ago.


  2. The rules the whole society expects young people to follow are too strict.


  3. Teachers today are less appreciated and valued than in the past.




  Recent revelations from the journalist Glenn Greenwald put the number of Americans under government surveillance at a colossal 1.2 million people.


  Recent ... from…put the number of…at ...




  1. A recent survey jointly conducted by Tencent.com and National Analysis has put the number of users of cab-hailing apps at a colossal 150 million, with only 1.8% aged over 50.

  2. A recent report issued by the government has put the number of Chinese cities blanketed by smog at an astonishing 61.

  3. A recent poll conducted by Shanghai University has put the number of respondents who want to live in a cheap place at a whopping 350, 000, approximately 80% of whom are under the age of 30.


  1. Technologies designed to make our lives easier actually make it more complicated.


  2. Environmental problems are too complex, and individuals cannot handle them.

  环境问题一直是近年来各种媒体上的buzzword,那为了渲染环境问题严重,我们可以一句话证明环境没救了。比如第二个例句说,近来一个中国政府报告称被雾霾笼罩的中国城市数目已经达到骇人的61个。后面再解释说pm2.5多高,污染程度之深, 来证明个人行为是无法解决这样的问题的。Nailed it~

  3. Which place do you prefer to live in? a. a place that is not expensive. b. a place that is close to relatives c. a place with a lot of shops and restaurants around




  As human behavior is tracked and merchandized on a massive scale, the Internet of Things creates the perfect conditions to bolster and expand the surveillance state.


  As…, …creates perfect conditions to...




  1. As information technology continues to progress, social network sites create perfect conditions for malicious hackers to access privacy that we have no intention to reveal to strangers.

  2. As people’s philosophy of education evolves, wealthy parents now create perfect conditions for their children to learn both liberal arts and science, so that they can build a well-rounded personality from an early age.

  3. As technologies develop rapidly, instant communication tools create perfect conditions for young people to keep in touch with their old friends, no matter how far they are apart from each other.


  1. Some people record experience by sharing picture or other information on social network sites, while others don’t like to share. Which do you prefer?


  2. Young school children should be required to learn art and music in addition to science, math, history and language.


  3. Moving to a new town or country is not a good thing because people will lose their friends.




