





一、Read and choose.(找出不同类的单词。)

( ) 1.A.cook B. make C. delicious

( ) 2.A.when B. what C. with

( ) 3.A.third B. tenth C. three

( ) 4.A. Monday B. November C.December

( ) 5.A. and B. on C. in

二、Read and write.(请写出下列词的完整形式。)

3rd_______ 4th ________8th ________9th _______ 20th _______

三、Read and choose.(选择佳答案填空。)

( ) 1. ______ is the sports meet ?—It’s in June.

A. What   B. When   C. Where

( ) 2. My birthday is ______ December 30th.

A. on B. in C. at

( ) 3. August is the ____ month of a year.

A. seventh B. ninth C. eighth

( ) 4. Mother’s Day is on the ____Sunday in May.

A. first   B. second C. third

( ) 5. _____ is on January 1st. A. Children’s day

B. National Day   C. New Year’s   Day

( ) 6. Chen Jie will _____noodles _____ her mum.

A. cooks ,to B. cook, for C. cooking, for

( ) 7. There are some special days _____ April.

A. in   B. on    C. at

( ) 8. There are _____ cows on the farm.

A. twelfth    B.twelve   C.second

( ) 9. When is the ______ contest?

A. sing    B. sings    C. singing

( ) 10. Today is _______ birthday.

A. my mther   B. my mother’s   C. my mothers

四、Read and write .(读一读,选择所给词的适当形式填空。)

1. When is ________ ( you) birthday?

2. My mother’s birthday is on January the _______ (two)

3.May is the __________ (five) month of a year.

4.There are ________ (twelve) months in a year.

5. Children’s Day is on ____________ .

五、 Read and write. (连词成句,注意首字母大写与标点。)

1. China’s Day is When National (?)

2. birthday is his Thursday eleventh (.)

3. for your What do will father your (?)

4. birthday Grandpa’s on June is 1st (.)

5. on My is birthday February 2nd ( .)

六、Read and choose.(对答如流)

( ) 1.When is your father’s birthday ? A.Great.

( ) 2.Happy birthday,Mum! B. It’s April 1st.

( ) 3.Let’s cook noodles together! C. It’s on November 6th.

( ) 4. What do you often do on your birthday?   D. Thank you.

( ) 5. When is April Fool’s Day? E. I usuall eat a birthday cake with my friends.

七、Read, and choose.(读短文然后判断对“T”错“F”)

Hi,I am Mike. There are five people in my family.My grandma,my father,my mother,me and my little puppy.There are three birthdays in February and two birthdays in September.My grandma’s birthday is in February.My birthday is on September 10th.It is also Teachers’ Day.My mother is a teacher.On September 10th,my mum usually buys me a big birthday cake.I often help her cook dinner.She usually cooks noodles for me.I feel happy.I love my mother very much.

( )1.There are four people in Mike’s family.

( )2.There are three birthdays in September.

( )3.Mike’s birthday is on September 10th.

( )4.Mike’s mum is a cook.

( )5.Mike’s grandma’s birthday is in February.

八、Read and write.(根据所给提示,写一篇关于你家人生日的短文。)

Hello.There are ______ people in my family,______________________ _____________________.My father’s birthday is on _______.My mother’s birthday is on ___________.My birthday is ______________. _________________________________.I love my family very much.



1.英国:   2.澳大利亚:   3.新西兰:

4.朋友:   5.我:   6.(我)是:

7.道路:   8.街道:   9.什么:

10.我的:   11.你的:   12.名字:

13.年级:   14.班级:   15.你,你们:

16.在…里面:   17.聪明的:   18:安静的:

19.漂亮的:   20.他的:   21.她的:

22.眼睛:   23.鼻子:   24.嘴:

25:…怎么样:   26:相互:   27:回家:

28:在…居住:   29.想要做…:   30:愿意做…:

二、 根据汉语完成句子:


_______ Bob. I’m eleven. I _________ ________ Britain.

2. 欢迎来到我们的班级。

_____________ ______ our class.

3. 你好,我叫周培。你叫什么名字?

Hello, I’m Zhou Pei. __________ _________ ________?


What _________ are you in ?I’m in _________ _________, _________ ________.


Oh, we are in _________ _________ grade. ________ _______ friends.


__________ do you _______?I live _______ Green Road.


_________ your house _________?It’s 23. ________ about you?


We live _______ ______ _______. Let’s ______ home together.


________ ______ that girl, Kate?


________ ________ is she?


She is ______ ________ girl. She ______ beautiful long hair and big bright eyes.


______ she ________ ________ her school work?


she _______ _________ _______ Chinese, maths and science.

三、 情景交际

1. 你想说我们在同一个班级时,应该说:( )

A. We are in the same class.   B.We are in the same grade.   C.We are in Class One.

2. 如果想问Lisa在哪个班级是,你应该问:( )

A. What grade are you in?   B.Lisa, what class are you in?

C.Are you in Class One?

3. 你想知道别人的房间号,你应问:( )

A. What is your number?   B.What’s your telephone number?

C.What’s your room number?

4. 当你想问对方名字的时候,你应说:( )

A. What’s your name?   B.What’s your number?

B. Where is your room?

四、 选择正确的答案:

1. ----- Hello, I’m Zhou Pei. What’s your name?----- _____ Patrick Green.( )

A. My name is   B. My name   C.I

2.----What class are you in ?---- _________.( )

A. I’m in class three, grade five.   B. I’m in Class three, Grade five.

C. I’m inClass Three, Grade Five.

3. Where _____ she live? ( )

A. do   B. dose   C. are

4. You and I live ________each other. ( )

A. in   B. near   C. here


1. Where is he from?(改为同义句)Where _______he _______from?

2.We are in the same grade.(改为一般疑问句)_______ you _______the same grade?

3. I live in Beijing, China.(对划线部分提问)_______ do you ________?

4. Jimmy lives in China now.(对划线部分提问) _______ _______ Jimmy live now?

5. We are in the same school.(改成一般疑问句)_______ you in the _______ school?


1. who’s (完全形式)   2. 新朋友

3. 多大 4. 擅长   5. she’s=

6. 长头发   7. 明亮的眼睛   .have(三单)

9. 十   10. 十一   11. 十二

12. country(复数)   13. child(复数)

14. come from= 翻译


1. She’s ten. (同义句)

2. She is good at her school work. (一般疑问句)

3. She’s a pretty girl. (一般疑问句)

4. She’s cute and active.(一般疑问句)

5. She’s good at Chinese, maths and science. (变否定句)


1. I’m Bob. (同义句)

2. I’m eleven. (同义句)

3. I come from Britain. (同义句)

4. I’m Yang Ming. (同义句)

5. Ben is from Berlin.(同义句)

6. Bob is from Britain.(同义句)



( ) 1. My grandparents ________teachers before .

A. were   B. are   C. was

( ) 2. Yesterday she ______ an English breakfast.

A. have  B. had   C. has

( ) 3. You _______ talk to your friends in the library .

A.can   B.are   C.can’t

( ) 4. In______ , I can play with the snow.

A. winter   B. autumn  C. summer

( ) 5. ---Is this your dress , Amy? ---No, _______is pink.

A. my   B. mine   C. me

( ) 6.--- ________is the Great Wall ? ---In Beijing .

A. How old   B. How long   C. Where

( ) 7. She ________TV on Sundays.

A. watched   B. is watching   C. watches

( ) 8. -----Will you help me? -----_____________ !

A. Of course   B. Thank you   C. Good idea

( ) 9. _________Day is on the eighth of March.

A.Women’s   B.woman   C.men

( ) 10. Mum bought new chopsticks ________ you.

A.with   B.for   C.to


1. Daming ___________( 画) a f lower on a piece of paper, and then he painted it.

2. I like reading the books , they are very ______________(有趣的)。

3. The schoolbag is ______________(轻的)。 I can carry it on my back.

4. Beijing is a very important __________(地方 ) in China.

5. I ___________(遇见)my classmates at the gate yesterday.


A. 根据问句找出相对应的答句,将序号填入题前括号内。

( )1. What did she do ?    A. I’m going to clean my car.

( )2. What are you doing?    B. Some animals .

( )3. What music does he play ?  C. We’re taking some photos.

( )4. What will we see in the zoo ?    D. She played on the beach.

( )5. What are you going to do ?    E. He plays Chinese music .


present visit send make give

I’m going to _______my cousin in America. What _______ can I take? Last year, I _______ him a book. This year, I want to _________him a different gift. Maybe you can help me to _______ a kite.


Amy: Excuse me.

Librarian: I’ll look on the computer. Sorry, we haven’t got the DVDs.

Amy: Oh good. Where are they?

Librarian: __________________

Amy: Harry Potter is my favourite.

Librarian: Your library card, please.

Amy: ___________________

Librarian: Please give the books back in two weeks.

Amy: __________________


A. 阅读短文,判断正误。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。

There are four seasons in a year. My favourite season is spring. It’s warm. There are flowers on the trees. I can see ducks in the river. I can go to the park and fly my kite. Amy loves summer. It’s hot. She can go swimming with her mother. She can wear skirts.

( )1. I love summer.

( )2. Amy’s favourite season is spring.

( )3. It’s hot in summer.

( )4. Amy can go swimming in winter.

( )5. I can fly my kite in the park in spring.

B. 阅读短文,选择佳答案。

Ben is in Grade Three. He has a lot of hobbies. He likes playing basketball best. But he dislikes doing homework after school. And his teacher always finds a lot of mistakes in his homework.

Last Tuesday his math teacher Miss Black looked at Ben’s homework and saw that he got all his answers right. She was very surprised. The next morning before math class, Miss Black asked Tom to her office and said to him, “You got all your homework right this time. Who helped you? Did your parents help you?”

Ben’s parents often help him with his homework, but this time they didn’t help Ben because they weren’t at home. Ben answered, “ No, Miss Black. My mum and dad were very busy last night, so I did my homework by myself. ”

( )1. What is Ben’s favourite sport?

A. Basketball.   B. Football.   C. Baseball.

( )2. Does Ben usually do his homework by himself ?

A. Yes, he does.   B. No, he doesn’t.   C. I don’t know.

( )3. Why did Miss Black ask Ben to come to her office?

A. Because Ben got all his homework right.   B. Because Ben was naughty.   C. Because Ben got all his homework wrong.

( )4. Who often helps Ben with his homework?

A. Ben’s classmates.   B. Ben’s friends.   C. Ben’s mother and father.

( )5. What’s the meaning of the word “ dislike”?

A. 喜爱   B.不喜欢   C. 渴望




1. Where did you go?

2. When did you go there?

3. How did you go there?

4. What did you do (eat/drink/ see /visit…)?

5. How did you feel?






()1. A. better B. big C. heavy

()2. A. mine B. yours C. them

()3. A. ate B. find D. learnt

()4. A. Maths B. English C. television

()5. A. hamburger B. sandwich C. traditional

二、英汉互译: 20分。

1、在机场 _______ 2、讲英语_______ 3、在三周时间内_______ 4、在晚上_______ 5、在办公室 _______ 6、在中国的北部_______ 7、试穿这一个______ 8、对、、、很容易_______ 9、在书架C上______ 10、多年以前______


( )1.—_____ did you come back? —We came back last Sunday . A. Where B. When C. Why

( )2. —Whose dress is this? —It’s ____. A. my B. mine C. he

( )3. Do you want to be_____ our football team? A. at B. in C. on

( )4. —Can you control the ball? —________________. A. Thank you B. Very badly, sorry C. You are welcome

( )5. She didn’t _____ an ice cream yesterday . A. bought B. buy C. buys

( )6. I can’t swim _____. A. at B. at all C. good

( )7. —______ does school start? —At nine o’clock . A. What B. What time C. Where ( )8. These chicks can’t______. A. eat B. eating C. ate

( )9. This girl is deaf. She can’t _______. A. see B. hear C. walk

( )10. Lingling is very good ___ basketball. A. at B. in C. of

四、从II栏中选出I栏各句的相应答语 10分

( )1.Did you learn music? A.It’me .

( )2.Who is going to go to the airport? B.She had hamburgers.

( )3.How did you go ? C.At ten o’clock.

( )4.What did she have for lunch? D.By bus .

( )5.When are you going to go there ? E.Yes,I,did.

五、连词成句: 20分

  1. you for trip Are ready your (?) _________________________________________

2. Are feeling you hungry (?) ___________________________________________

3.be right will It all (.) __________________________________________

4. you are go going to Where (?) _________________________________________

5. you, thinking about, what, are, ( ? ) _________________________________________

六、趣味阅读,共20分。 1. 判断正误。对的填(T),错的填(F)

This morning my father bought some milk for us . My sister doesn’t like milk , and she gave her milk to me . I didn’t drink them . I will drink them tonight . My sister is a very good girl . We are good friends . She studies very hard . And all of us like her very much . She wants to be a teacher .

( )1.Father bought us some milk .

( )2.I gave my milk to my sister .

( )3.I drank my milk .

( )4.My sister studies very hard .

( )5.My sister wants to be a doctor .


Ms Smart and Amy went to a department store last week. Ms Smart wanted to buy a coat for Amy. They looked at a blue coat. Blue is Amy’s favorite colour. The coat was nice. But it was too big for Amy. The sales assistant took a small one. But it was white. Amy tried it. That was lovely. Amy liked it very much. So they took it.

( ) 1. Where did Ms Smart and Amy go last week? A. A department store. B. A supermarket. C. Amy’s school.

( ) 2. Ms Smart wanted to buy a ____ for Amy. A. coat B. T-shirt C. dress

( ) 3. What is Amy’s favorite colour? A. Black. B. White. C. Blue.

( ) 4. The blue coat was too ___ for Amy. A. small B. big C. nice ( ) 5. Ms Smart and Amy took the ____ coat. A. black B. white C. blue

七、作文, 10分。




( ) 1. A. cow B. cute

( ) 2. A .big B. body

( ) 3. A. table B. tired

( ) 4. A. horse B. lion ( ) 5. A. sock B. thin


( ) 1. A .There are three brown monkeys. B. There are seven yellow tigers.

( ) 2. A. The monkey isn’t strong. B. The monkey is strong.

( ) 3. A. We like basketball. B. We like football.

( ) 4. A. Let’s sit down. B. Let’s sing a song.

( ) 5.A.This is my hand . B. This is my nose.


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )



( ) 1. A .snake B. giraffe C. hot

( ) 2. A .shoe B. table C. shirt

( ) 3. A .football B. horse C. basketball

( ) 4. A. small B. shorts C. thin

( ) 5. A. strong B. sing C. dance



( )1.--Let’s play football. --Good idea!

( )2.The snake is very long.

( )3.Look at the pink pig.

( )4.This monkey is thin.

( )5.This is your ear.


( ) 1.--Where is my pen? --________. A. It’s in my bag. B. There are three.

( ) 2.It’s _______egg. A. an B. a

( ) 3.The giraffe is very______. A. long B. tall

( ) 4.--Are they small? --____, they are. A. No B. Yes

( ) 5.--Let’s go swimming. --________ A. Thank you. B. Good idea.


  1. So many animals at the zoo. 2. The elephant is very big. 3. There are some books on the desk. 4. Let’s put on our shirts. 5. The boy is under the tree.


( )1.当你想说那儿有一位时,你会说:_______ A. There is a horse over there. B. There is a policeman over there.

( )2.当你想问别人看见多少种动物时,你会说:_______ A. How many animals can you see? B. How many cats can you see?

( )3.当你想告诉别人:“这是我的衬衫。”时,你会说:_______ A. This is my shirt. B. This is his shirt.

( )4.当你想说有一双红色的袜子时,你会说:_______ A. There’s a pair of blue shorts. B. There’s a pair of red socks.

( )5. 当你想说动物园里有两头大象时,你会说:______ A. There is a cat in the tree. B. There are two elephants at the zoo.

六 、阅读理解。根据短文内容选择正确的答案。(每题2分,共10分)

There are lots of animals in the zoo. There are five monkeys. They are thin. There are six horses. They are brown. There are ten lions. They are big. There are eleven birds. They are in the tree.

( )1. There are ______monkeys in the zoo. A. four B. five C. six

( )2. The horses are________. A. brown B. yellow C. white

( )3. --How many birds? --________. A. ten B. five C. eleven

( )4. There are _____lions. A. seven B. ten C. twelve

( )5. --Where are the birds? --They are ________. A. in the tree B. on the table C. under the tree



1 ( ) A place B please C parent

2 ( ) A ticket B click C stick

3 ( ) A building B amazing C email

4.( ) A men B man C women

5.( ) A take B tied C told

6 ( ) A shoulder B another C theatre

7 ( ) A carry B history C busy 8 ( ) A draw B drew C drove

二 听音标号听2遍

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

三 听音选自恰当的答语

( ) 1 A We will see lots of stones. B We will eat sausages.

( ) 2 A We are going to see Stonehenge. B By car.

( ) 3 A No,it isn't. B Yes, I did.

( ) 4 A She’s a nurse B It’s a computer

( ) 5 A Of course, I will. B Here you are.

四 听音完成句子

1.I ________ you a maths game. 2. I played on the ________ 3 The actors ________lots of jokes. 4 After the ______, we went to the restaurant. 5 Last week we went to a children’s ________



  1. My grandpa was a flute _________(演奏者) before.

2.My favourite _________ (季节)is spring.

3. She had eggs and _________(香肠) for lunch.

4. I can play with the _______(雪)in winter.

5. Stonehenge is a very old _________(地方).

6. I ________(提,背) my school bag on my back.

7.You can ________(借) books, videos and CDs in English libraries.

8.It will take three ________(小时).

9.I ________(绘画,画)a dragon on a piece of yellow paper.

10.The ________(男人) wore women’s clothes..


( )1. He _________ a driver before. A. is B. was C. were

( )2. He worked in office. A. a B. an C. \

( )3. I _______ eggs and sausage for breakfast yesterday. A having B has C had

( )4.I can carry this bag __________ my back.A. at B. to C. on

( )5. I ________ to the theatre last night. A go B going Cwent

( )6.How will you get to the zoo? --_________ bus. A. At B. To C. By

( ) 7.Did you read your book? Yes, I ______. A do B did C do

( ) 8. We laughed a ______.A. lot B. much C. many

( ) 9. I ______ a letter from a friend. A. has got B. have got C. have get

( ) 10. Will it be windy ______ New York?A. in B. on C. at


Last Saturday we ___________(go) to a park. We ___________(see) many trees and flowers there. They __________(be) very beautiful. We __________(have) a picnic there. We ___________(eat) cakes and fruits. And we __________(drink) water. Then we ___________(play) football in the park. We __________(take) many photos. We __________(laugh) a lot. We ____________(be) very happy.


1 The, women’s, men, wore, clothes,______________________________ 2 you Will help me ?_______________________________________ 3 I be will home at seven o’clock .___________________ 4.put, in, bag, your, What, did, you,____________________________ 5 .use, You, can, a computer.__________________________________


A. 阅读短文判断对错

Look!This is Fangfang’s family.There are five people in her family.This is her grandpa.He was a teacher before.But now he is retired( 退休的).Sometimes he writes something for newspaper.So he is a writer now.Her grandma is a housewife(家庭主妇).Her father is a bus driver.Her mother was a nurse before. But now she is a doctor.Fangfang is astudent.She’s in Class 1,Grade 5.She studies hard.She’s a good student.

( )1. Fangfang’s grandpa is a teacher.

( ) 2. Fangfang’s grandma was a nurse.

( ) 3. Fangfang’s mother is a doctor.

( ) 4.Fangfang is in Grade 1.

( ) 5. Fangfang’s father was a bus driver.


I’m Linda. Last summer I went to Brighton with my parents. We went there in June. I played on the beach. I visited very old buildings. I made a new friend there. Her name is Luch. I will write to her.

( ) 1. When did Linda go to Brighton with her parents? A. Yesterday B. Next year C. Last summer

( ) 2. Where did she play? A. In old buildings B. On the beach C. Her home

( ) 3. What did she visit? A. Her new friends B. Her grandma C. old buildings

( ) 4. What is her new friend’s name? A. Amy B. Lucy C. Linda

( ) 5. Who will Linda write to? A. Her teacher B. Her parents C. Her new friend

六 .作文 写一写你最喜欢的季节不少于40词

My favourite season __________________________________________________________________



The city is very beautiful now. There weren’t any trees. Now there are many trees. And there is a supermarket now. We can go shopping there. There was a small park there before. Now it’s big. Many people like there.

( )1. There were many trees before.

( )2. There are two supermarket now.

( )3. There was a big park here before.

( )4. Many people like the park.

( )5. The city is very beautiful now.


There is a shop near our home. It isn’t a big shop. But it sells different thins. And it sells food from lots of countries. It also sell clothes, fruit and cars. All of us like the shop. Dad, Mum and I are going to go shopping at the weekend. I’m going to buy ice creams, biscuits and apples in the shop, i love ice creams and they are going to buy milk, bread and eggs.

( )1. There is a shop near our ______.

A. school B. home

( )2. The shop is ________.

A. big B.small

( )3. We’re going to go to shop at the _______.

A. weekend B. night

( )4.I want to buy _______, biscuits and apples.

A. milk B. ice creams

( )5.They are going to buy milk, _______ and eggs.

A. bread B. flowers



1.th__ __ 那么,就

2.l __ t 让

3.s__ __ __ t __ __ __s 有时

4.g __ __ e 给

5.n __ __ __ t 夜晚

6.f __ __ m 从...起

7.pl __ __ gr__ __nd 操场、运动场

8.f __ __ 达,计

9.h__ __ vy 重的

10.t __ 直到

11.f__ __ __ __t 朋友

12.h__ __ __ __快乐


1.trick or treat _______________

2.tidy up ______________

3.lots of________________

4.tell stories________________

5.look different

6.good time ________________

7.lucky dog ________________

8.both of________________

9.lovely day______________

10.eat noddle______________


( )1. There are many ________ over there.

A. sweet B. sweets C. egg

( )2.There ________ a clock here before.

A. is B. isn’t C. wasn’t

( )3. - Do you like the park now?

- Yes, I _______.

A. do B. did C. don’t

( )4. There ______ tall trees now.

A. were B. are C. is

( )5.There wasn’t a _______ in my family.

A. child B. children C. boys

( )6.Please help _____ put the bags in the car.

A.I B. me C. his

( )7.Many families go _____ the supermarkets together.

A. on B. at C. to

( )8.Look _____ the hats and the masks.

A. at B. in C. to

( )9.It’s ______ autumn festival in the UK.

A. a B. an C. /

( )10.How ______ eggs are there?

A. many B. much C. to

( )11.Children wear ______ clothes at Halloween.

A. beautiful B. big C. scary

( )12.How _______ your school?

A. at B. many C. about

( )13.I’m going __________.

A. playing football B. to play football C. to playing football

( )14.Please _____ to my birthday party.

A. come B. to come C. comes

( )15. - What’s that?

- ____________.

A. It’s Monday. B. It’s a cat. C. I’m eleven.



( )1.You were in China for two years.

A.你在中国待了两年了。 B.你在英国待了两年了。

( )2. Then let’s feed the ducks.

A.然后我们就可以吃饭了。 B.那么就让我们喂这些鸭子吧。

( )3. They are my brothers and me.

A.他是我的哥哥。 B.他们是我的哥哥和我

( )4.What a big supermarket!

A.这个超市真大呀! B.让我们一起去超市吧!

( )5.This one is heavy. I can’t carry it.

A.这个太沉了,我搬不动。 B.这个很轻,我能够搬动。

( )6.You are helpful children.

A.你很喜欢帮助孩子们。 B.你们真是乐于助人的孩子。

( )7. Sometimes there are restaurants at the supermarket.

A.有时超市里有餐馆。 B.我喜欢餐馆和超市

( )8. It’s really fun.

A.你很有趣哦。 B.它真的相当有趣。

( )9. Do you know why?

A.你知道为什么吗? B.你几岁了?

( )10.He’s telling a story.

A.他有许多故事。 B.他正在讲故事。


1. Amy is go to see a film at the weekend. ____________

2. How many chick are there? ____________

3. They is Easter hats. ____________

4. I am going to is eleven. ____________

5. Sometime the eggs are small. ____________


1. What are you ________(do)?

2. I am going to ________(be) eleven.

3. There ________(be) lots of flowers on the hat.

4. But before that, you are going to help _______(I) tidy up.

5. Let’s ______(go) to the supermarket.


A. an B. a lot of C. in D. on E. after.

1.There is ________ fruit, too.

2. Have _______ ice cream.

3. _______ lunch, we’re going to tell stories.

4.There are toy chicks _______ the hats.

5.Easter is _____ spring in the UK.


1. many They sell things different.


2. are to going We stories tell.


3. so You scary look.


4. now three children There are.


5. is the This house cat’s.

