姓 名: 性 别:女
出生日期:1987-08-29 民 族:汉
户口所在:郑州 目前所在:北京
毕业院校:郑州航空工业管理学院 政治面貌:团员
最高学历:本科 所修专业:电子信息工程
人才类型:普通求职 毕业日期:2009年6月
希望工资: 面议
2005年9月至2009年6月 郑州航空工业管理学院 电子信息工程专业 本科
2009年03月起 基于systemview的16qam系统仿真毕业设计(systemview)
2008年09 月 洛阳牡丹通讯有限公司实习
2008年07月 认识实习,通信电子线路课程设计——音频信号源设计(verilog )
2007年12 月 信息管理系统设计——仓储管理系统(visual fox)
2006年12月 学校工科实习基地金工实习
2006年07月 变压器的设计
★2006-2007 学年获得三等奖学金,荣获“院优秀学生干部”,“优秀团员”称号。
★2007-2008 学年获得一等奖学金,荣获“院三好学生”称号。
英语 熟悉 级别:四级 具有良好的听、说、读、写能力
普通话 精通
熟练掌握办公自动化软件 ms word,powerpoint,excel
熟练使用protel99se, matlab,visual fox,verilog ,systemview等软件
Yichun Yang
Beijing University of Chemica Technoogy, China
(86)xxxxxxxxxx E-mai: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Beijing University of Chemica Technoogy(BUCT),
Coege of Information Science & Technoogy(CIST)
Bacheor of Engineering (Expected in Juy, 2009)
Major: Eectronic Information Engineering
Intern Experience
2008/08-2008/09 Industria and Commercia Bank of China(ICBC), Jinghai branch
Technoogy department (TD)
To maintain the computer and other office equipment of the bank
Giving assistance to the TD of the instaation of termina equipment
Getting to know the instaation and maintenance of the bank‘s equipment
2007/09-2007/ 10 Beijing Eastfair Technoogy td Part-time assistant
Have a hand in panning the 13th China Buiding exhibition
Designing questionnaires and anayzing the statistics
Advancing new process,reduce the working pressure and improve the efficiency
Improving my eadership and executive abiity
2006/07-2006/08 Cuicun town of Beijing City Assistant Foreman
Conducting a survey about the economic condition and interviewing successfu farmers
Improving my hard-working abiity, anaytica and communicative skis
Socia Experience
2006/09-2007/09 Organization Department of eague members’ Committee Manager
Panning and organizing the 21st eague members’ Day
Organizing the eection of eague members’ Committee
Improving my eadership, communicative and anti-stress skis
2006/09–2007/07 The Forum of BUCT Moderator of the Internet Free Resources
Designing the ayout of the website and maintaining the system
Coecting, updating and editing the resouse
Improving my understanding of the network, enhancing teamwork and anaytica abiity
2008/06-2008/07 Production Practice in schoo for a month
Assembing a monochrome teevision fowing the shematic diagram
Improving the hands-on abiity and to sove the probem with the theory knowedge
Honors and Tites
2006/11 Exceent Member of Communist Youth eague
2006/06 Exceent Member in th miitary training
2007/09 Honor for Progress in Study
Engish and Computer abiity
CET-4, fuent ora Engish.
Frequent user of Windows OS, hardware ,software and network.,know about inux OS
Driving icense of C1