




Hello, everyone! Now we come to the West Lake Park, which is located in the northwest of the city. It is the most complete classical garden in Fuzhou, with a history of more than 1700 years. According to historical records, in the third year of the Taikang period, when the prefect Yan Gao built Zicheng, he dug the West Lake and drew water from the mountains in the northwest to irrigate the farmland. Because it was in the west of the city wall of the Jin Dynasty, it was called the West Lake. In the Five Dynasties, King Shenzhi of Fujian expanded the city and connected the West Lake with the South Lake. Later, Yanjun, his son, became emperor. He built a crystal palace, pavilions, platforms, buildings, and pavilions on the lakeside. He dug a road between the palace and the West Lake, which was convenient for traveling with the Queen's palace. The West Lake became the Royal Garden of the Min Dynasty. Since then, it has gradually become a tourist area. In the fourth year of Chunxi of Song Dynasty, Zhao Ruyu, magistrate of Fuzhou and governor of Fujian Province, built Chenglan Pavilion on the lake and tasted eight sceneries of the West Lake

Xianqiao willow color, big dream song sound, ancient battlements setting sun, crystal moon, lotus Pavilion singing evening, Western Zen dawn bell, spring rain in the lake, Chenglan Shuying. In the third year of the Republic of China, Xu Shiying, the governor of Fujian Province, set up the West Lake as a park

62 hectares. After the founding of the people's Republic of China, the government has repeatedly allocated funds for renovation and expansion. Especially in 2001, the West Lake was rebuilt and expanded by dredging and dredging, building sewage interception pipelines, and reconstructing and expanding old scenic spots. After the restoration, the West Lake is really a beautiful lake. The total area of the West Lake is about 45 hectares and the surface area is about 30 hectares. Through LiuDi bridge, Buyun bridge, Yudai bridge and Feihong bridge, it connects Kaihua Island, Xieping island and Yaojiao island in the West Lake into a complete scenic spot. After the renovation, the West Lake is becoming more and more beautiful and famous. The restored and newly added scenic spots include Xianqiao liuse, crape myrtle hall, Kaihua temple, Wanzai hall, dressing booth, poetry Gallery, waterside pavilion, Jianhu Pavilion, Hutian ferry, spring rain in the middle of the lake, golden scale garden, ancient battlements setting sun, fangqin garden, lotus Pavilion, guizhai, Junhu monument, bonsai garden, etc.

Ladies and gentlemen, when you enter the gate, you will see the willow color of Xianqiao

The original dike was built in 1930, 8 meters wide and 139 meters long. The middle section of the dike is a bridge, namely Xianqiao. In 1985, the embankment was widened to 18 meters with stone railings, weeping willows, peach trees and flowering shrubs. In spring, the willows are green, the peach blossom is like fire, and the distant view is like a ribbon in the lake. In 1994, Xianqiao was changed into an arch bridge, which is 10 meters wide and 36 meters long.

Now we come to the crape myrtle hall. Crape myrtle hall is located in the south of Kaihua island. It was built in 1914 and is named after the wide planting of crape myrtle around. Rebuilt in 1952, brick and wood structure, is now the park service department.

Dear tourists, you are now at the Kaihua temple in the middle of Kaihua island. Built in the fourth year of Jinghu in the Northern Song Dynasty, the temple is the oldest building in the park. During the Jiajing period of Ming Dynasty, Wang Wensheng, the magistrate, donated money for reconstruction. The existing building was rebuilt by governor Jin Shirong in the 44th year of Emperor Kangxi of Qing Dynasty. The center is the main hall, the back is the Zen hall, the two wings are the bell and Drum Tower, the left is the Keliao, and the right is the Abbot's room. There used to be eighteen Niang litchi in the temple, which is quite famous. According to song Caixiang's lychee Genealogy:

It is said that Wang family, the king of Fujian, had the 18th daughter. She liked to eat this product, so she got the name. There is still an ancient Li tree in front of the temple. The temple is in the middle of the lake with red flowers, green willows and blue waves. After renovation in 1986, it was integrated with the bonsai area. Rare flowers and trees, flower bonsai and root carving are planted in the courtyard.

You are now in wanzaitong, which is located in the east of Kaihua island. It is a memorial hall for poets in central Fujian. It was built for Fu Ruzhou, a poet in Zhengde period of Ming Dynasty, and invited his friend Gao to live in seclusion. Wanzaitang is a wooden structure with three couplets. It is named after the poem "Gushan" and "wanzaitang" in the middle of the water. For a time, poets gathered and spread stories. In the 41st year of the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, it was rebuilt into a pavilion in the center of the lake. In the 13th year of Qianlong reign, Huang Ren proposed to rebuild it and set up a poetry niche in the hall as a gathering place for Fuzhou poets. Later, the hall was destroyed by the flood. Daoguang was rebuilt in four years. In the seventh year of Daoguang reign, Lin Zexu's father, Ding, came back home and reclaimed the West Lake. He took Wan Zaitang as his office. In 1914, after the West Lake was turned into a park, Wan Zai Tang was renovated. Since then, there have been elegant collections in the spring and Autumn period.

You are now at the changing booth, which is located in the southeast of Kaihua island. It was built in the Five Dynasties. It is said that Wang Yanjun, the king of Fujian, changed his clothes and had a rest here every time he took a boat tour with his queen Jinfeng and Gong E.

Evening singing in Lotus Pavilion

It is one of the eight old sceneries. At the foot of Dameng mountain on the west side of the lake. In ancient times, Dameng mountain was surrounded by water on one side and water on three sides. There was a long dike across the lake. From the south to the north, it connected with meitingpu and reached Wan'an bridge. It was a post road to Beijing in the north. Lotus is planted on the East and west sides of the dike, and the lotus Pavilion is built in the prominent area of the dike. Facing the lake, the pavilion has a broad vision. The pond is surrounded by peach trees and weeping willows. The summer night is cool and fragrant with lotus. In ancient times, it was a place for drinking tea, appreciating lotus and listening to music. In ancient times, there was Huanghua Pavilion in the north of the pavilion, and Yingen Pavilion in the east of the pavilion, which was the residence for the reception of the Imperial Envoys. In the 10th year of Daoguang, Lin Zexu rebuilt the lotus Pavilion and rebuilt the Huanghua Pavilion in the north of the pavilion into the ancestral hall of Li Gang. The existing square lotus Pavilion is a Qing Dynasty building.

You are now in guizhai, which is located in the northwest of heting, covering an area of 201x square meters. It is backed by the sound of big dream pines, next to the evening singing of heting, facing the spring rain in the center of the lake in the north and the willow color of Xianqiao in the East. When Lin Zexu built Li Gang's ancestral hall, he built three rafters in the ancestral hall and planted two osmanthus trees. He took the name of Li Gang's residence in Fuzhou in his later years, riguizhai. In the 31th year of Guangxu reign, it was renamed as Lin Wenzhong Gong's reading room. Later, a room and a non-smoking Pavilion were built beside the Zhai. Lin Zexu's reading room was embedded on the wall. In 1985, in order to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Lin Zexu's birth, the guizhai was rebuilt and the school was moved to the post Zhai.

Kaihua island is the core tourist area of the West Lake. To the north of Kaihua Island, yaojiaoyu is across Yudai bridge. There are provincial museum, art exhibition hall, Xihu theater and other buildings. To the west of Kaihua Island, cross Feihong bridge to Xieping island. Xiepingyu is a children's amusement park with various children's amusement facilities. You can go to the zoo if you cross buyunqiao in the southwest.

Dear tourists, this is the end of our journey to the West Lake. Finally, I wish you a happy journey. Welcome to take your relatives and friends to the West Lake next time. Goodbye!


Ladies and gentlemen: hello and welcome to Fuzhou. I'm your guide.

Today, we are visiting Fuzhou, a famous historical and cultural city. Of course, Fuzhou is a blessed city. You can certainly enjoy the happiness of Fuzhou this time. Now, the driver on my left is master Chen, who has been driving safely for more than 20 years, so you can rest assured about safety. Of course, if you have any questions during the journey, you can ask me, I will help you as much as I can. It's a great honor to introduce Fuzhou to you today. I wish you have a good time, eat at ease, and sleep comfortably. Now I'll introduce Fuzhou to you on the bus. Fuzhou is the capital city of Fujian Province. It's close to the mountains and the sea, with pleasant climate and evergreen trees. It's called Fuzhou because there are Fushan mountains in the north of the state. Fuzhou has a history of more than 2200 years. In the Five Dynasties, the city was expanded, and the beautiful Wushan mountain and Pingshan mountain were enclosed in the city, making Fuzhou a unique city with "mountains in the city and cities in the mountains". In the Northern Song Dynasty, Zhang Boyu, the prefect of Fuzhou, called on the people to plant banyan trees. After the banyan trees were planted, the city was covered with green shade and the sun was not covered in the summer. Therefore, banyan became a city tree. The majority of Fuzhou residents are Han nationality, and there are more than 20 minority nationalities such as she, man, Miao and Hui. Moreover, Fuzhou, located in the lower reaches of Minjiang River, is the political, economic and cultural center of Fujian Province. As the provincial capital city along the coast, Fuzhou is also the nearest provincial capital city to Taiwan in mainland China. It is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese and the ancestral home of Taiwan compatriots in China, as well as a platform for cross-strait exchanges and cooperation with Taiwan. As a famous historical and cultural city, what kind of tourism brand does Fuzhou have? In fact, Fuzhou has four cultural tourism brands: Tanshishan culture, Sanfangqixiang, Mawei chuanzheng and shoushanshi. Although Fuzhou is far away from the Central Plains, it has been built as the capital of emperors five times in history. Naturally, the first time was in the period of emperor Gaozu of Han Dynasty. Wu Zhu established the kingdom of min and Yue here. In the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, he established the capital of min. there are many other things to say here. Fuzhou, as an excellent tourist city, is rich in natural and cultural resources. If you like climbing, you can go to Gushan, Qishan and Qingyun mountains, and almost every mountain around is a good tourist attraction. If you like playing with water, you can not only visit West Lake and Zuohai, enjoy the scenery on both sides of Minjiang River, but also go to Pingtan and Changle to catch the tide; Of course, if you like to see historic sites, Fuzhou has a history of more than 2200 years. There are many ancient buildings, temples and former residences of celebrities. As long as you have time, you will have a feast for your eyes. Since we have talked about the city tree, we have to talk about the city flower. Do you know what the city flower is? It's Jasmine. Summer is the season when jasmine is in full bloom. Many drivers like to buy a bunch to hang in the car, which not only purifies the environment, but also decorates the carriage. This is killing two birds with one stone. Perhaps you don't know that Jasmine first came from Persia, which is now India and Arabia. However, it was settled in Fuzhou when it was introduced into China from the Western Han Dynasty, so it has a cultivation history of more than 2000 years. Fuzhou is not only the first place to introduce jasmine, but also the birthplace of jasmine tea. Jasmine is an imported product and a witness of Fuzhou marine culture. It can be seen that Fuzhou had overseas trade contacts as early as the Han Dynasty, and Fuzhou has been an important international trade city in China since ancient times.

The ancients said: "the mountain is not high, there is fairy spirit, water is not deep, there is dragon spirit." In my opinion, the city is not big, there is water is spirit. Fuzhou, the city with the highest density of inland rivers in China, still has 42 inland rivers. According to the preliminary planning, Fuzhou will be divided into scenic river, navigable river and Drainage River. I believe that in the near future, you can enjoy the city appearance of Fuzhou by boat.


Ladies and gentlemen

Hello everyone, it's been a hard journey. Welcome to Fuzhou. I'm your tour guide. My name is Wei. You can call me Xiao Wei. As the saying goes, "you depend on your parents at home and you depend on your friends when you go out". I'm your good friend in Fuzhou. The one beside me is our driver, master Chen. In the next few days, master Chen and I will accompany you. Please believe that we can make you have a good time, have a good time, eat well and live comfortably. I'm very happy to serve you and hope to get your support and cooperation.

Well, members of the group, now we are still 15 minutes away from our hotel. Let me tell you about the general situation of Fuzhou. I hope that through my explanation, we can have a better understanding of Fuzhou.

As we all know, Fuzhou is the capital city of Fujian Province. It is located in the southeast coast and the lower reaches of the Minjiang River. It is the political, economic and cultural center of Fujian Province. It is also the nearest provincial capital city to Taiwan on the mainland of China, a famous hometown of overseas Chinese and the ancestral home of Taiwan compatriots in China, and an important platform for exchanges and cooperation with Taiwan on the West Bank of the Taiwan Strait.

Fuzhou has a history of more than 2200 years. As a famous historical and cultural city, it has four cultural tourism brands: Tanshishan, Sanfangqixiang, chuanzheng and shoushanshi. Although it is far away from the Central Plains, it has been built as the capital of emperors five times in history.

At the same time, Fuzhou is also an excellent tourism city in China, which has rich natural and cultural tourism resources. If you like mountaineering, you can go to Gushan, Qishan and Qingyun mountains. Almost every mountain around you is a good tourist attraction. If you like to play with water, you can not only visit the West Lake and Zuohai, enjoy the scenery on both sides of Minjiang River, but also catch up with the tide in Pingtan and Changle; If you like to see historic sites, Fuzhou has a history of more than 2000 years. There are many ancient buildings, temples and former residences of celebrities. As long as you have time, you will have a feast for your eyes.

Members, Fuzhou was built in the Han Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, it was renamed Fuzhou because of the Fushan mountain in the north of Fuzhou. Later, in the Song Dynasty, banyan trees were planted all over the city, and there was a strange landscape of "green shade all over the city, not covered in summer". Therefore, Fuzhou has the reputation of "banyan city". The more it is called, the brighter it is. Banyan trees have become the city trees of Fuzhou. Please look out of the window and see the trees planted on both sides of the road All of them are banyan trees.

Do you know what the city flower of Fuzhou is? To remind you, in our car, it is filled with the fragrance of flowers. Yes, it is jasmine. Summer is the season of jasmine Blossom. Drivers like to buy strings to hang in the car, which not only purifies the air, but also decorates the carriage. This is called killing two birds with one stone. Perhaps, many people don't know that this jasmine is not Chinese nationality. It comes from Persia, which is now India and Arabia. It has been settled in Fuzhou since it was introduced into China in the Western Han Dynasty. It has a cultivation history of 2000 years. Fuzhou is not only the first place to introduce Jasmine in China, but also the birthplace of jasmine tea. Jasmine is an imported product and a witness of Fuzhou's marine culture. Therefore, it can be seen that as early as the Han Dynasty, Fuzhou began to have trade with overseas countries, and from ancient times on Up to now, it is an important international trade port city in China.

Members of the group, Fuzhou is a blessed state. I believe all the people who come to Fuzhou are blessed. Fuzhou is blessed. What's the blessing? Xiao Wei thinks that its blessing lies in the spirit of mountains, the spirit of water and the talent of people. It's said that it's boring to have mountains without water, monotonous to have mountains without water, and wonderful to have mountains with water. Fuzhou is not only surrounded by mountains, but also has Wushan, Yushan and Pingshan mountains in the city. The two towers of Baita and Wuta face each other, and the mother river Minjiang River passes through the city, forming a unique urban pattern of "three mountains, two towers and one river".

The cruise ship has a good view of Fuzhou City. When it comes to water, we have to talk about the hot springs in Fuzhou. It is widely distributed, shallow buried, high temperature, large water volume and good water quality. The most rare thing is that Fuzhou's hot springs are concentrated in the city center, which is extremely rare in major cities in the world. It has been known as "bathing in Fuzhou" since ancient times. Fuzhou people began to enjoy hot springs as early as 1000 years ago. Old Fuzhou people call hot spring hot soup. Every time after busy, after work, to the bath to "hot", that happiness is absolutely not today's sauna can compare. So, some people say that if you come to Fuzhou and haven't been to hot springs, it means that you haven't been to Fuzhou. But don't worry. There are hot springs in the hotel arranged by our travel agency. Good evening

You can have a good time on the Internet.

When it comes to talent, according to historical records, from the Tang and Song Dynasties to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there were 23 top scholars from Fuzhou, and more than 4000 Jinshi. In modern Chinese history, there were many celebrities, including Lin Zexu, a national hero, Yan Fu, a western scholar, Bing Xin, a literary grandmother, and Chen Jingrun, a mathematician. It can be seen that Fuzhou people not only enjoy life, but also study hard.

As the saying goes, one side of the water raises one side of the people. Fuzhou people have always been contented and happy. They can not only endure hardships, but also adapt to work in a timely manner. Fuzhou dialect sounds like a foreign language, but on many occasions people speak Mandarin, even the older generation of Fuzhou people are no exception, sometimes the pronunciation is not standard. In fact, Fuzhou dialect is the "living fossil" of ancient Chinese, and its lower level is the language of the ancient Minyue people. After several historical migrations to the north, these immigrants brought the ancient Wu language, the ancient Chu language, and some spoken Chinese from the Central Plains. They are integrated into today's Fuzhou dialect, which is really a mixture of the north and the south.

Members of the group, wherever we go, we can't help but pay attention to its food culture. In Fuzhou, its food culture has a long history. Fujian cuisine, represented by Fuzhou Cuisine, is one of the eight major cuisines in China. Among them, fo Tiao Qiang is the chief dish of Fujian cuisine, which has a history of more than 100 years. As for snacks, they are all over the streets, such as meat swallow, fish balls and so on. Our travel agency has also arranged for you to have a good taste.

Having said so much, do you have a certain understanding of Fuzhou? In the next journey, let's feel the charm of the ancient city of Fuzhou, and believe that the blessed state will make you return with good fortune. OK, everyone, we have arrived at the hotel unconsciously. Now, please take your belongings and get off with me. Please be careful and walk slowly. Thank you!

Dear tourists

Hello, everyone. I'm the tour guide. My name is Chen. You can call me director Chen. Friends have heard of Fuzhou West Lake. It's a famous pearl in Fuzhou. I believe many friends are also attracted by it. In this case, I hope you don't litter and protect the environment of the West Lake. All right, let's go!

Friends, the West Lake Park is ahead. Fuzhou West Lake Park, with a history of more than 1700 years, is the most complete classical garden in Fuzhou. According to historical records, in the third year of Taikang period, guizhai was renamed as linwenzhonggong's reading room. Later, a room and a non-smoking Pavilion were built beside the room, and Linzexu's reading room was embedded on the wall. In 1985, to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Lin Zexu's birth, the guizhai was rebuilt, osmanthus flowers were planted, and the school was moved to the post Zhai. In 1997, the people's Government of Fuzhou City repaired guizhai again and turned guizhai and heting into Zexu garden

There are many famous scenic spots in the West Lake. You can continue to visit or go boating on the lake in the rest of your free time. The spring rain in the center of the lake is also one of the eight scenic spots of the ancient West Lake. When the spring rain is like weaving, you can go boating on the lake or enjoy the rain in the pavilion in the center of the lake.

In a word, the West Lake is characterized by the combination of Fuzhou classical garden style, the use of natural landscape, and the allocation of native tree species, paying attention to poetic, small see big. You can enjoy the beautiful scenery and experience it in detail. Finally, thank you for your cooperation in my work. It's a great honor to serve you. Thank you!


Hello everyone! Welcome to Fuzhou. I'm your tour guide. I'm from sunshine travel agency. My name is Ke. You can call me Ke Dao or Xiao Ke. The one beside me is our driver, master Chen. As a gold medal driver of travel agency, master Chen has rich driving experience. I believe that with his escort, our journey will be more comfortable and safe. In the next few days, master Chen and I will provide services for you. I hope our services can satisfy you. I wish you all the best in this trip to Fuzhou. Well, members of the group, we are still 15 minutes away from our hotel. Let me tell you about the general situation of Fuzhou. I hope that through my explanation, we can have a better understanding of Fuzhou.

Fuzhou was built in the Han Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, it was renamed Fuzhou because of Fushan mountain in the north of Fuzhou. Later, in the Song Dynasty, banyan trees were planted all over the city. There was a strange landscape of "green shade all over the city, not covered in summer". Therefore, Fuzhou has the reputation of "banyan city". Banyan trees have become the city trees of Fuzhou. Please look out of the window. Banyan trees are planted on both sides of the road. Having said the city tree, let's talk about the city flower. The city flower of Fuzhou is jasmine, which is known as "the first fragrance in the world". The jasmine planted in Fuzhou is recognized as one of the most fragrant jasmine. Many people don't know that this jasmine is not Chinese nationality. It comes from Persia, which is now India and Arabia. It has been settled in Fuzhou since it was introduced into China in the Western Han Dynasty. It has a cultivation history of 2000 years. Fuzhou is not only the first place to introduce Jasmine in China, but also the birthplace of jasmine tea. Jasmine is an imported product and a witness of Fuzhou's marine culture. It can be seen that as early as the Han Dynasty, Fuzhou began to have trade with overseas countries, and from ancient times on Up to now, it is an important international trade port city in China.

As an excellent tourist city in China, Fuzhou has rich natural and cultural tourism resources. If you like climbing, you can go to Gushan, Qishan and Qingyun mountains. Almost every mountain around is a good tourist attraction. If you like to play with water, you can not only visit the West Lake and Zuohai, enjoy the scenery on both sides of Minjiang River, but also go to Pingtan and Changle to catch the tide. If you like to see historic sites, Fuzhou has a history of more than 2200 years. There are many ancient buildings, temples and former residences of celebrities. As long as you have time, you will have a good time.

OK, let me give you a brief introduction of Fuzhou's landscape culture. Fuzhou is a blessed state. It is blessed with the spirit of mountains, the spirit of water and the talent of people. It is said that it is boring to have mountains without water, monotonous to have mountains without water, and wonderful to have mountains with water. Fuzhou is not only surrounded by mountains, but also has Wushan, Yushan and Pingshan mountains in the city. The White Pagoda and Wuta towers face each other, and the mother river Minjiang River passes through the city, forming a unique urban pattern of "three mountains, two towers and one river". The city is not big, there is water is spirit. Fuzhou is the city with the highest density of inland rivers in China, with 42 inland rivers so far. Marco Polo, an Italian traveler, once visited Fuzhou. In his travel notes, he said that Fuzhou was the most beautiful water city with bridges among the Chinese cities he visited. When it comes to water, we have to talk about the hot springs in Fuzhou. Fuzhou is one of the three hot spring areas in China

1、 It has a good reputation of "bathing in Fuzhou" since ancient times. The hot springs here are widely distributed, shallowly buried, with high temperature, large water volume and good water quality. The most rare thing is that they are all concentrated in the city center, which is extremely rare in major cities in the world. Fuzhou people began to enjoy hot springs more than 1000 years ago. When busy, after work, to the bath to bubble hot spring, it is absolutely a great enjoyment of life.

When it comes to talent, Fuzhou is full of outstanding people and talents. According to historical records, from the Tang and Song Dynasties to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there were 23 top scholars from Fuzhou, and more than 4000 Jinshi. Especially since the modern history of China, there have been many celebrities, including Lin Zexu, a national hero, Yan Fu, a western scholar, Bing Xin, a literary grandmother, and Chen Jingrun, a mathematician. It can be seen that Fuzhou people not only enjoy life, but also study hard.

Members of the group, wherever we go, we can't help but pay attention to its food culture. In Fuzhou, its food culture has a long history. Fujian cuisine, represented by Fuzhou Cuisine, is one of the eight major cuisines in China. Among them, fo Tiao Qiang is the chief dish of Fujian cuisine, which has a history of more than 100 years. As for snacks, they are all over the streets, such as meat swallow, fish balls and so on. Our travel agency has also arranged for you to have a good taste.

Having said so much, do you have a certain understanding of Fuzhou? In the next journey, let's feel the charm of the ancient city of Fuzhou, and believe that the blessed state will make you return with good fortune. OK, everyone, we have arrived at the hotel unconsciously. Now, please take your belongings and get off with me. Please be careful and walk slowly. Thank you!


Hello everyone, welcome to Fuzhou National Forest Park. Fuzhou National Forest Park is the first National Forest Park in Fujian Province, one of the top ten forest parks in China, and the only 4A scenic spot in China. Fuzhou National Forest Park, formerly known as Fuzhou arboretum, is a comprehensive park integrating scientific research and tourism. It was completed in February 1960, covering an area of 859.33 hectares. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides and faces water on one side. It is bounded by fufei road in the East, bordered on yeyang village at huding in the west, bordered on the North Bank of Bayi Reservoir in the south, and bordered on Bijia mountain at Lingtou Township in the north. It is rectangular in shape. The highest place is Bijia mountain, which is 643 meters above sea level. The lowest altitude of Bayi Reservoir in Yuannan is only 47 meters. Fuzhou National Forest Park mainly collects and displays Fujian tree species. It introduces more than 2500 precious tree species at home and abroad, such as kapok from the south, Populus deltoides from the north, tropical Araucaria, subtropical camphor, temperate Pinus tabulaeformis, Ginkgo biloba and Metasequoia glyptostroboides. Longtan River flows through the garden from north to south. It is composed of cycads garden, palm garden, rare botanical garden, bamboo garden, tree garden, flower bonsai garden and banyan landscape. It integrates garden art, green water, green mountains, waterfalls, rare stones, ancient banyan inscriptions, rare animal and plant resources, ancient post road of Song Dynasty and Tomb of Liu Bingxin of Qing Dynasty The heart temple and so on constitute the beautiful natural scenery and unique cultural landscape of the forest park. Walking in it, you can feel poetic and picturesque everywhere, which makes you forget to return.

The park has complete recreational facilities and a large bird watching and performing paradise covering an area of nearly 30 mu. In recent years, it has introduced animal performing arts, birdsong forest, dry land sledding, water world and other projects,

Make the holiday life of tourists colorful. The tourist facilities are complete, with full-time guide service, holiday hotels for small and medium-sized meetings, tourist shops, sightseeing buses and other supporting facilities. The picnics and barbecues with unique flavor make the tourists feast on their stomachs. The forest Camping Resort has 15 unique forest cottages, which is one of the best places for vacation, gathering, meeting and recuperation. You can see that this ancient banyan tree is the "banyan king". It is said that it was planted by Zhang Boyu, the governor of Fuzhou during the reign of Zhiping in the Northern Song Dynasty. It has a history of more than 1000 years. It is one of the four big tree kings found in Fuzhou. The "banyan king" has a chest circumference of about 10 meters and needs six people to embrace it. It is about 20 meters high. The crown of the tree is like a big umbrella cover, covering more than 1000 square meters‘ A single tree makes a forest.

The birdsong forest that you can see now covers an area of nearly 30 mu. The central column of the net is 38 meters high. It has collected 13 subjects of eight categories, including walking birds, wading birds, waterfowls, songbirds, raptors, climbing birds, land birds, and swimming birds from all over the world. There are more than 170 species, about 5000 birds, including the national birdsong

1、 There are more than 20 kinds of birds under class II protection. The Bird Park focuses on the construction art and highlights the bird performance. It is a large-scale bird viewing and bird performance paradise integrating domestication, protection, breeding and popular science. There are rare bird garden, ostrich garden, Swan Lake, songbird corridor, crane pool, Yuanyang River, Longchuan waterfall, bird world, garden water wheel, bird Exchange Square, children's paradise and other attractions in the birdsong forest, highlighting parrot performance, cockfighting performance, Peacock Flying Southeast performance, seagull, egret flying fish in the air performance, Pelican flower ring and other entertainment programs, as well as science column and hole Sparrow restaurant, arts and crafts department and other service facilities. Step into the birdsong forest and dance with a hundred birds, so that your body and mind can be cultivated in nature.

Now we come to the Longtan natural scenic spot at the north end of the park. The scenic spot is located in the north end of the park, with a total area of 113.5 hectares. There are towering mountains, deep canyons, lush trees, interesting rocks, confrontation of stone walls, many cliffs, deep pools, clear water and many waterfalls. The Longtan river meanders through the mountains and valleys, with the height difference falling repeatedly, and the waterfalls and deep pools scattered among them. There is a piece of natural evergreen broad-leaved forest beside the river, which is rich in species and has the landscape characteristics of south subtropical rainforest and a relatively complete forest ecosystem. The Songgu post road in the area is connected with the Xinkai tour road, making more than 20 scenic spots in the area as a whole. The forest vegetation landscape, water landscape, cultural landscape, and peak stone landscape complement each other. Walking on the road, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery and full of interest. You can enjoy banyan city on the blue Pavilion, with a broad artistic conception. The rich and colorful myths and legends add many ancient and mysterious colors to the scenic area.

Dear tourists, there are countless beautiful scenery in the forest park. Today's tour is over. We look forward to your coming again.










