




以Educational TV program为例,烤鸭们请改成自己的版本:

Well, with the wide application of cable TV, now in Hangzhou we have more than 70 channels available for us to choose to watch. You know, I like to choose something that I am interested in, so I always turn from one channel to another as long as there is an advertisement on show. Then, about 2 months ago, I noticed a program, antiques road show, or treasures appraisal, I am not sure how to name it in English correctly, but it was really an educational TV program for me and truly aroused my interest.

This program is now very popular among people in China. You know, china has such a long history, and we really have a lot of antiques collected by the public. Many items shown in the program may never be seen anywhere else. Since many families do have their collections, but they are not so professional, they all want to have their collections, or their treasures, appraised by those experts. Outside the film studio, we can see many people are holding their treasures, waiting in queues, hoping that the things they hold can be truly priceless treasures in the eyes of those experts.

Then , when those treasures are handed to those experts, including one for drawings, one for calligraphy, one for china, and one for bronze ware, you know, they will tell us how to appraise a piece of antique, and what value it is now to us, as well as the market price of it.

Leaning those skills, seeing those antiques, sensing the great joy when a true antique is discovered, and sympathizing the pity when an item is defined as a fake, this TV program, does teach me a lot.


1. The Hunan TV programme's format is actually from South Korea's MBC network.


Instead of newcomers jostling for a share of the limelight, the format here pits professional singers against each other. There are no judges. Instead, the singers are ranked according to the votes cast by a live audience.


2. Kit Chan is the first Singaporean to appear on the show.


This season's other contestants include Taiwan's A-lin and Chinese singers Anson Hu, Sun Nan and Jane Zhang, previously seen on Hunan TV's talent show Super Girl. The new season starts on Jan 2.


3. A contestant has to sing material by other singers except for the first song, and, if he or she makes it that far, for the finale number.


For her first number, Chan picked Shino Lin's Tempting Heart, a ballad she had covered on her last album Re-interpreting Kit Chan (2011).


4. I Am A Singer has boosted the careers of artists


Artists who have benefited from being on the show include Hong Kong's G.E.M., Malaysia's Shila Amzah and Taiwan's Terry Lin. G.E.M. brings her X.X.X. Live World Tour to the Max Pavilion in Singapore for an impressive three nights from Jan 30 to Feb 1 while Shila performed at the Skechers Sundown Festival 2014 on Nov 22.

受益于该节目的歌手包括香港的邓紫棋、马来西亚的茜拉和台湾的林志炫。邓紫棋在1月30日到2月1日连续3晚在新加坡博览中心举办X.X.X. Live世界巡回演唱会。茜拉则在11月22日参演了2014斯凯奇日落音乐节。

5. The host is not exempt from elimination.


Hong Kong's Leo Ku is the emcee in the current season and he follows in the footsteps of Chinese pop duo Yu Quan, who won in the inaugural edition in 2013, and Taiwanese pop singer Phil Chang.



You should say:

How does it look like

Where did you see it

When did you see it

And how do you feel about this work




Okay, so recently I’ve been watching “Power” – a TV series about a guy who comes from a poor neighborhood and makes a lot of money selling drugs – and then he decides that he wants to go legit; he wants to leave his past behind and make a legitimate business with his nightclub Truth. So, the series follows the problems he and his family have to face while trying to get out of the drug business and make a legal living running clubs. Obviously, it’s not as easy as it might sound – because all his old friends still try to involve him in drug trafficking, and there always seems to be some crisis or something which stops the guy from simply making a clean break and starting afresh.

A friend of mine recommended the series; I hadn’t heard of it before, but I gave it a try. Watching a couple of episodes, and I kind of liked it. Each episode has good pacing, and the characters are interesting enough to hold your attention. The plot is also quite well written and has just enough twists and turns to keep you wondering what will happen next. Another thing I like about it is that the things that happen are credible; they’re not fantastically impossible scenarios like in some TV series – you can actually imagine how such circumstances might occur in real life and how these people would deal with them. So, the main characters are a guy called Jaimie and his wife Tasha and their two children, and Jaimie’s ex-drug partner Tommy Egan, who is still involved in the drug business. The other main character is government lawyer, Angela Valdez, who has an affair with Jaimie while the special task force she is a member of is trying to prosecute Jaimie and Tommy for drug related crimes. There are some other characters which recur throughout each episode, people who work in the club and other friends and contacts that appear repeatedly throughout the series.

It’s now in season four, although I haven’t watched this current season yet – I watched up until the end of season three, so I guess I’ll catch up with it when I have some more free time. I like watching the episodes all at once rather than one each week. But it’s one of the best TV series I’ve seen for a while – the fact that the time flies past while watching it is always a good sign that it’s enjoyable.

最新雅思口语part1话题答案--TV program

1. Do you like watching TV program?


Yes, I’m keen on sitting in front of the screen during evening. I love all kinds of TV programmes, like chat show, fantasy, cartoon and so on. Well, these programmes do not require a lot of deep thinking and watching TV is a form of entertainment to ease my mind.



deep thinking 深度思考 entertainment 娱乐 消遣 form of ...的形式 ease my mind 放松大脑

2. What types of TV programmes do you like to watch?


Well, I enjoy watching TV series, especially soap operas that based on a page-turner. These TV series are not only a good way to kill time but also able to provide more chances to inspire imagination and satisfy curiosity.



soap opera 肥皂剧 based on 基于 kill time 消磨时间 not only....but also 不仅...而且... inspire imagination 激发想象 satisfy curiosity满足好奇心

3. Do you prefer reading a newspaper, or watching TV programmes?


I love to watch TV, especially the news report, because I can have a better and fully understanding of the news. Apparently, the contents and articles in the newspaper are not as objective as the on the spot reports on television.



Apparently 显然地 实际上 objective 客观的 fully understanding 充分的理解 as objective as...和...一样客观

4. What types of program do children in China like to watch?


Well, I’ve no idea, but I guess, maybe animation, especially those with some heroic characters. Little boys love to be a hero and save the world maybe. However, girls are more likely fond of something fantasy, just like fairy tales or cartoons with angels or characters with magic.



heroic 英勇的 fond of 喜欢 fantasy 幻想 fairy tales童话故事

5. How do you feel about advertisements on TV?


I feel tired of TV commercials, especially those infomercials. When the channel begins broadcasting the endless infomercials, I just turn the TV off. Nobody loves being bombarded by advertisements and only few people would buy the products.



commercials 广告 tired of 对...厌烦 endless没完没了 be bombarded by 被...轰炸


电视选秀 selective TV trials












