




新托福考试阅读部分约为60到100分钟,包括3到5篇文章,每篇650至750个单词,每篇对应12至14道试题。题目类型包括:图表题(schematic table),篇章总结题(prose summary)(从给出的选项中选择能够概括文章内容的句子),词汇题(vocabulary)(在一定的上下文中),指代关系题(reference),简化句子题(sentence simplification),插入文本题(insert text),事实信息题(factual information),推断题(inference),修辞目的题(rhetorical purpose)以及否定排除题(negative factual information)(例如,下列各项均正确除……之外。)在完成答题的过程中,考生可以使用“复查”功能瞬间找出没有回答的题目,而不必每道题都检查一遍。








As travel writer Bill Bryson pointed out in his book In a Sunburned Country, Australia “has more things that will kill you than anywhere else” — including poisonous snakes and jellyfish, crocodiles, and sharks. If you’re traveling to the Land Down Under, be wary of those things — but now add pine cones to that list. That’s right; according to Australia’s ABC News, there are huge pine cones dropping from above in the town of Warragul, Victoria (about 65 miles east of Melbourne), just outside the Courthouse Hotel where travelers should be finding refuge.

“These things are enormous,” said Warragul Mayor Diane Blackwood, describing the potentially lethal pine cones of the Bunya pine tree on the hotel grounds, which is 120-years-old and on their historical heritage list. “They are the size of a watermelon, falling literally out of the sky from potentially 20 meters high… So you wouldn’t want to be under one, I tell you.”

The watermelon-sized pine cones weigh up to 22 lbs. each, which is heavier than most bowling balls. Try to imagine one of those falling on your head and cracking your skull; it won’t be pretty. So be careful when traveling to Warrugul; it may be a good idea to look up when you’re walking down under.



Many experts advise common sense. "We don't want to say to children, 'OK, play by the dirty river bank and catch whatever you can, but we can say there's nothing wrong with kids playing in the dirt. They don't have to live in total sanitation, and they won't die from eating something off the floor. It's probably more healthy than not."

许多专家建议人们凭常识办事。“我们不会对孩子们说:‘好,去肮脏的河边玩吧,想抓什么就抓什么。但可以这样讲,小孩子玩泥巴没什么大不了的,他们不必生活在完全干净的环境中,也不会因为吃掉到地上的 东西就死掉。这样说不定会使他们更健康。”

On a small family farm in Mongolia, a rooster struts around little Bayar's bed, a goat drinks from his bathwater and livestock serve as babysitters.


By contrast, Mari, growing up in high-rise, high-tech Tokyo, and Hattie, whose doting parents live a "green" lifestyle in San Francisco, both have modern conveniences and sanitation.


Statistically, Mari and Hattie are healthier. Some 42 out of 1,000 children in Namibia, and 41 out of 1,000 in Mongolia die before their 5th birthday; compared with only 8 in 1,000 in the U.S. and only 4 in Japan.


Yet the upscale urban infants are at higher risk for some health problems -- including allergies, asthma and autoimmune diseases like Type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis and inflammatory bowel disease -- than the babies in the rural developing world.


Now, there's research that suggests there may be a way to get the best of both worlds.


According to the "hygiene hypothesis," first proposed in 1989, exposure to a variety of bacteria, viruses and parasitic worms early in life helps prime a child's immune system, much like sensory experiences program his brain. Without such early instruction, the immune system may go haywire and overreact with allergies to foods, pollen and pet dander or turn on the body's own tissue, setting off autoimmune disorders.

根据1989年首次提出的“卫生假说” (hygiene hypothesis)理论,孩子在成长早期如果接触多种病毒、细菌和寄生虫,将有利于其免疫系统的发展,似乎这样能促进大脑对其做出更好的防御准备。反之,如果缺乏这类早期接触,免疫系统就可能出现紊乱,做出过激反应,如对食物、花粉和宠物毛屑过敏等,或者引发人体机理问题,出现自身免疫失调。

Many of these microorganisms evolved symbiotically with humans over millions of years--the so-called "old friends" theory. But where they've been eradicated, a key part of human development has been thrown off.


"The vast majority of microbes are harmless. There are only a few dozen that can cause lethal infections," says Thomas McDade, director of the Laboratory for Human Biology Research at Northwestern University.


There are other dangers lurking in muddy water and animal feces. Nearly 70% of the 8.8 million deaths of children under age 5 world-wide in 2008 were caused by infectious diseases, most frequently pneumonia, diarrhea and malaria, according to an analysis in the Lancet last week.


Scientists are still working on ways to separate good germs from bad ones; in the meantime, they have a few insights: Studies have shown that children who grow up with household pets have fewer allergies and less asthma than those who don't.


Michael Bell, an infectious disease specialist and deputy director of Healthcare Quality Promotion at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, says that people should be vigilant about wound care since bacteria can cause problems if they get into the blood stream, and he still advocates hand-washing. "If you're not doing it 10 times a day, you're probably not doing it enough," he says.


But he and other experts say that regular soap and water are fine in most cases. Sterilizing hands is critical mainly for health-care workers and in hospitals, where disease-causing germs are prevalent and can easily spread.




Forget about opposites attracting. We like people who look like us, because they tend to have personalities similar to our own。


And, a new study suggests, the longer we are with someone, the more similarities in appearance grow。


Researcher sat Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, found that workers who enjoyed more work flexibility were also less likely to say health problems affected their performance at work。


The test participants rated men and woman who were actual couples as looking alike and having similar personalities. Also,the longer the couples had been together, the greater the perceived similarities。


The researchers speculate that the sharing of experiences might affect how couples look。


The idea that there is a connection between appearance and personality might seem odd at first, but there could be biological reasons for alink, said study member Tony Little from the University of Liverpool in England。


"Testosteroneis linked to masculine face shapes and it also affects behavior,"Little said. "Also, the face displays our emotions and over time emotional expressions may become written in the face."











