




  A woman in Canada called the emergency services after mistaking her neighbor’s noisy toilet efforts for a violent disturbance.


  The woman was worried her neighbour was in trouble after hearing loud yelling and shouting at 5am.


  Police officers rushed to the scene and found the man had only been on the toilet.


  The officers asked him to keep the noise down for his future endeavors.



  A robber in a hurry struck at three banks along a stretch of Kings Highway in Brooklyn in a span of about 30 minutes on Friday afternoon, the police said。

  In the first and third robberies, tellers handed over cash to the robber, the police said, but he left empty-handed in the second encounter。

  The police do not believe that the man displayed a weapon, though they were still gathering information late Friday afternoon。

  The mini-crime wave began at around 2:15 p.m., when the robber entered a branch of the Apple Bank at 1321 Kings Highway. He handed a teller a note, was given some money and left, the police said。

  About 15 minutes later, the man walked into a Capital One branch at 1226 Kings Highway, the police said, and handed over a note, but did not get any cash。

  About 2:40 p.m., the suspect entered an HSBC bank branch at 1621 Kings Highway. Again, a note was handed over and he obtained some money, the police said。

  The robber’s spree shows “a certain amount of perseverance,” said Thomas W. McKenna, a retired first-grade detective with the New York police。

  “It’s very unusual for a guy to do three banks in a row, that close together, and to stay in the same area。”

  Mr. McKenna added: “He’s looking for a score, there’s no doubt about that. And he’s nonsectarian about which bank he goes to. “Any bank is open play for him。”

  The robber was described as Hispanic, about 5-foot-7, and 150 pounds. He wore black pants, a red shirt and a red baseball hat。

  Bill Giannopoulos, owner of Madison Florist

  and Decorators, across Kings Highway from the Apple Bank branch, said he did not realize anything was happening until the street was swarming with police officers and a helicopter was circling overhead。

  “It’s scary,” he said. “I don’t know what’s happening in the neighborhood。”






  South Korea has appointed a team of people to scan the internet for suicide-related material as part of a move to cut suicide rates.

  The 100-strong group of watchdogs is made up of a cross-section of society, including students, housewives and mental health specialists.

  South Korea has one of the highest suicide rates in the world, with 40 people taking their own lives each day.

  The government says a rise in harmful web material is a contributing factor.

  The watchdogs will monitor blogs and social media sites for any material that helps or encourages people to plan their own deaths.

  It is thought young people often trawl the internet for companions with whom to make pacts.

  A Seoul city government spokesman told the South Korean news agency Yonhap that suicide "is no longer an individual problem but rather a social issue that we must all take part in to resolve".

  There are five times as many suicides in South Korea as there were a generation ago, according to the government.

  Many blame the rise on the country's high-pressure education system, as many of those who commit suicide are students, says the BBC's Lucy Williamson in Seoul.

  Others believe the rise is a result of the country's rapid economic growth, which has led to some of the longest working hours in the developed world, she says.

  Over the last year, various schemes have been introduced to try to reduce the figures.

  Phones linked to emergency helplines have been installed on Seoul's major bridges, and a team of rescue workers patrol the Han River.














  1.Poor quality of sleep 睡眠质量差

  It doesn't matter how long you sleep for if you're it's low-quality rest; you'll just wake up tired. Poor-quality sleep can be caused by factors such as sleeping with a pet, drinking caffeinated beverages late in the day, or having too much noise in the background。


  2.Waking up in the wrong phase 起床的时间不对

  Your sleep is split into cycles, and you might've woken up during the non-REM stage, which is a state of very deep sleep. Try to shoot for waking up during a REM phase, because then your body will be better prepared to wake up。

  睡眠也是有不同周期的。如果你在非快速眼动阶段(non-REM stage),即深睡眠时期醒过来,那么就会觉得好像没睡醒一样。所以,要尽量在快速眼动睡眠(REM)阶段醒过来,这样你就能为起床做好更充分的准备。

  3.Medication hangover 药物副作用

  The effects of certain medications that cause drowsiness can linger until the next morning. Check with your doctor to see if you can adjust the dosage or change medications。


  4.Medical condition 身体状况

  Certain medical conditions like sleep apnea can disrupt your night's rest. Disorders like depression can also cause you feel drained of energy, a symptom that can contribute to your grogginess。


  5.Your body clock is not in sync 生物钟不协调

  If you've been keeping an erratic sleep schedule, then your body will probably need time to adjust to waking up at a certain time during the morning. Try to make a more regular schedule, and you'll probably see a difference in how you feel in the morning。












