



雅思 口语part2范文空调

A piece of equipment----airconditioner

I'd like to talk about a piece of advanced equipment in my home, an air conditioner. My parents bought it in a department store when I was sixteen years old to replace the old one.

I think it is interesting to use this equipment, just like magic. Because when we use it, it can change hot air to cold air. When we are cold, we also get warm by using it. I can't imagine what our life will be if we don't have it.

Of course we don't use it all the time. Because when in spring or autumn, the weather is very comfortable, it isn't necessary to use it. If we use it all the time, it is not environmental friendly. Also, it is not good for our health if we stay in an air-conditioned room for a long time. When I feel very hot or cold outside, I will miss my air conditioner.


Describe a piece of equipment in your home

You should say:

what it is;

how often you use it;

who you usually use it with;

and explain why this item is important to you.

sample answer

Well, I'm going to talk about something you may well be familiar with – a laptop computer. I use mine mostly for e-mails but also for word processing, especially when I'm writing reports or something for work. I find I can organise my ideas more clearly than with the traditional pen and paper. Although I do take it with me most days, I don't actually use it for very long at a time because the power doesn't last for more than a few hours if it's not plugged in. Like most people, I use my phone for most smaller tasks so although I have my laptop, it's not always on.

Now, the first step in using a laptop is quite obvious – you have to turn it on. This can take quite a while depending on the model. What you do next depends on your particular reason for using it, but I'm going to talk about connecting to the Internet. After making sure that the laptop is on, you need to click the wifi signal icon to connect to a wireless network. Of course, you don't need to do this if you have already connected to that network before as your computer will remember and automatically connect you. If it's your first time connecting, most places will then ask for a password. Once you've entered that, it can take up to a minute to connect, but then you should see a small notice on the screen telling you that you are now online – you know, connected to the Internet. Finally, simply type in the website address you want, or if you are just surfing then type the word or words in the search bar.

It's not at all difficult to use, but some people still have difficulty.




其次,肢体语言的丰富也是可以加分的,因为我们在表达不容易被理解的,或是非常个性化的答案时,我们可以用手势来表达,比如说一个小男孩的身高,可以用手势来表示,加上一句“He is about this tall”,这样就比较清楚了。还有,我们聊到足球篮球、音乐等等,可以加上自己的肢体语言,表达兴奋或与考官共鸣。我的一个学生是传媒大学播音专业的学生,他非常喜欢音乐,打扮比较嘻哈,虽然他的口语水平并非很高,但他聊到足球和音乐时,用手势来表达自己的兴奋,得到考官的赞赏,分数也是增加了约0.5分到1分。可见,肢体语言是很重要的加分项。




1、 身份证:与报名时一致的,并且真实有效;

2、 照片:一张6个月内护照标准尺寸、白色背景的彩色免冠照,并在背面注明姓名和考号,相片中人像需露出双耳且不得佩 戴眼镜;

3、 准考证









7.雅思口语 人物外貌的8分描述
