






我们可以使用的套用结构有:stay stable/remain steady。

举例:表示人口数量保持平稳的时候可以写:the number of population stayed stable./the number of population remained steady。



举例:人口上升:the number of population increased/ascended/mounted等等。



举例:人口减少:the number of population decreased/declined。

4. 下降后保持平稳:

这个图形比较奇怪,大家可以跟着我划一下:线段前面是向下的,后面是平的,在表示这个平的时候我们就不可以使用remain steady了,我们要使用的结构是bottom out。

举例:人口下降后保持平稳:the number of population decreased and bottomed out。


这个图形和上面那个类似,不过前面部分是上升的,后面部分是平的。前面的上升我们就不用说了,但是在上升以后保持平稳,我们需要使用level off。

举例:人口上升后保持平稳:number of population mounted and leveled off。



举例:人口下降后复苏:number of population decreased and recovered。



举例:人口波动:number of population fluctuated


peak/reach its summit/reach its zenith

举例:人口到达了顶峰:number of population peaked/reached its summit/reached its zenith。



陡然的/大幅度的:dramatically /sharply/considerably/appreciably/


1.人口大幅度攀升:number of population mounted dramatically。

2.人口轻微下降:number of population decreased slightly。

3.人口逐渐下降:number of population decreased gradually 。



(一)remain steady/stay stable/level off/bottom out/peak/reach its peak/reach its zenith 后面需要使用的是at。


1. 人口在500万上保持平稳:number of population remained steady at 5 million。

2. 人口在800万时到达了顶峰:number of population peaked at 8 million。

3. 下降后,人口在400万保持平稳:after decreasing, number of population bottomed out at 4 million。

4. 上升后,人口在700万保持平稳:after mounting, number of population leveled off at 7 million。



1. 人口下降到200万:number of population decreased to 2 million。

2. 人口下降了200万:number of population decreased by 2 million。

3. 人口上升到1000万:number of population increased to 10 million。

4. 人口上升了500万:number of population increased by 5 million。



人口在200万时开始复苏:number of population recovered from 2 million。

(四) fluctuate的后面大家需要连接between...and.。.


人口在2和100亿之间波动:number of population fluctuated between 2 and 10 billion. (那俩人是ADAM和EVE)

雅思写作素材:working for the same company?

Some people prefer to stay in the same job for the same company, but others prefer to change jobs frequently. You should use specific reasons to compare the advantages and disadvantages of both sides.

Advantage of staying in the same job for the same company

Practice makes perfect. After working at a certain position long enough, a person will become very familiar with the work procedures and will be much more experienced, skillful and efficient than new comers in dealing with various tasks at this position.

Loyal employees are more likely to be promoted. If a person stays in a company longer than others, it usually means this person has made more contributions and is more loyal to the company and thus will have better chance of being promoted.

Staying in the same job increases a person’s self-value. If someone keeps on learning the latest knowledge and skills at a certain position in a certain field, this person will eventually become an expert or a professional or at least a highly skillful worker in this field, earning much more than other fresh-hands.

Disadvantage of staying in the same job for the same company = advantage of changing jobs

Some companies are not worth a person’s whole career life. There are some companies which lag far behind their competitors in a certain industry. They offer much less reward for their employees and they do not have a fair promotion system or a reasonable welfare system. Some can barely survive in today’s competitive society. Therefore both in terms of remuneration as well as career prospect, working long for them is not wise.

It is not easy to find an ideal job the first time you look for it, especially for fresh university graduates. Sometimes it is only by trying several jobs can a person eventually know what he or she likes doing most or can do best. Sticking to the wrong type of work makes it impossible for a person to enjoy working.

Some work is so boring that if someone keeps doing it for too long, he or she will feel dull and will become less interested and careful in doing that work.

雅思议论文写作素材:building theaters

Some people think that government shouldn’t put money on building theaters and sports stadiums. It should spend more money on medical care and education. Agree or disagree?


1.Theaters are places where different forms of arts including films, concert, dramas and operas etc., are shown or performed. Many of them are educational and can teach people about the history and culture of their own countries and of other foreign countries. They can also teach people about love and hatred as in opera Romeo and Juliet; good and evil as in the movie “Schindler’s list”.

2.Apart from work, people should have some entertainment to relax and enjoy their spare time. If there are no movie theaters, people will have no place to go for watching movies and people’s lives will become less interesting/dull indeed.

3. Sports stadiums are places where sports competitions are held which can increase people’s awareness of the importance of a healthy body. Then people will attach more importance to physical exercises which is the best way to prevent disease.

4.Sports stadiums can also educate people about fair competition as well the spirit of cooperation. It also encourages people to try to challenge one’s own limit in order to achieve better accomplishment.

5.Some theaters and sports stadiums are great works of architecture and can represent a country’s or a city’s wealth and level of civilization. The Grand Theatre in Shanghai becomes a symbol of Shanghai. Sydney Opera House is a landmark in Sydney.

6.Theaters are an ideal venue for cultural communication and sports stadiums are good places for strengthening good relationship among nations.



People attend college or university for many different reasons. Why do you think people attend college or university?

People attend colleges or universities for a lot of different reasons. I believe that the three most common reasons are to prepare for a career, to have new experiences, and to increase their knowledge of themselves and the world around them.(41words)

Career preparation is becoming more and more important to young people. For many, this is the primary reason to go to college. They know that the job market is competitive. At college, they can learn new skill for careers with a lot of opportunities. This means careers, such as information technology, are expected to need a large workforce in the coming years.(62 words)

Also, students go to colleges and universities to have new experiences. This often means having the opportunity to meet people different from those in their hometowns. For most students, going to college is the first time they have been away form home by themselves. In addition, this is the first time they have had to make decisions on their own. Making these decisions increases their knowledge of themselves.(68 words)

Besides looking for self-knowledge, people also attend a university or college to expand their knowledge in subjects they find interesting. For many, this will be their last chance for a long time to learn about something that does not relate to their career.(43 words)

I would recommend that people not be so focused on a career. Instead, they should go to college to have new experiences and learn about themselves and the world they live in. This may make them better prepared for their future.(41 words)












