




  It is curious that our own offenses should seem so much less heinous than the offenses of others. I suppose the reason is that we know all the circumstances that have occasioned them and so manage to excuse in ourselves what we cannot excuse in others. We turn our attention away from our own defects, and when we are forced by untoward events to consider them, find it easy to condone them. For all I know we are right to do this; they are part of us and we must accept the good and bad in ourselves together.


  But when we come to judge others, it is not by ourselves as we really are that we judge them, but by an image that we have formed of ourselves fro which we have left out everything that offends our vanity or would discredit us in the eyes of the world. To take a trivial instance: how scornful we are when we catch someone out telling a lie; but who can say that he has never told not one, but a hundred?


  There is not much to choose between men. They are all a hotchpotch of greatness and littleness, of virtue and vice, of nobility and baseness. Some have more strength of character, or more opportunity, and so in one direction or another give their instincts freer play, but potentially they are the same. For my part, I do not think I am any better or any worse than most people, but I know that if I set down every action in my life and every thought that has crossed my mind, the world would consider me a monster of depravity. The knowledge that these reveries are common to all men should inspire one with tolerance to oneself as well as to others. It is well also if they enable us to look upon our fellows, even the most eminent and respectable, with humor, and if they lead us to take ourselves not too seriously.更多信息请访问:http://www.24en.com/



  Civil Engineer 土木工程师

  Clerk/Receptionist 职员/接待员

  Clerk Typist & Secretary 文书打字兼秘书

  Computer Data Input Operator 计算机资料输入员

  Computer Engineer 计算机工程师

  Computer Processing Operator 计算机处理操作员

  Computer System Manager 计算机系统部经理

  Copywriter 广告文字撰稿人

  Deputy General Manager 副总经理

  Economic Research Assistant 经济研究助理

  Electrical Engineer 电气工程师

  Engineering Technician 工程技术员

  English Instructor/Teacher 英语教师

  Export Sales Manager 外销部经理

  Export Sales Staff 外销部职员



2.高考结束后父母扎堆离婚 高考结束父母扎堆离婚原因曝光





