













  其实在2017年11月某场托福考试中,独立写作题目下面特地用一行灰色的小字标注:Do not use memorized examples。不要死记硬背套用模板!根据目前各位小伙伴们反应的情况来看,ETS老奶奶很可能又建立了用于查重的作文资料库。这就不明觉厉了。













  比如:A give B a huge advantage over C

  结构来源:It may seem that this cultural continuity gives us a huge advantage over ants.

  模仿使用:The low price of labor gives China a huge advantage over other countries.






  The university will spend money on the dormitory to improve the life quality of students. Which of the following do you think is the best way?

  1) Providing a room for quiet study

  2) Building an exercise room

  3) Providing entertainment place (watch film)


  If a university wants to improve the quality of life for the students, it should install an exercise room in each dormitory. Exercise balances out a quiet lifestyle based on studying(运动万能句). An exercise room could contain equipment that is impossible to keep in a dorm room, give students as safe place to work out, and provide an opportunity to meet people with the same interests.

  分论点1:运动对学生很重要Exercise is essential for students, but often they neglect working out and focus only on studies. An exercise room in the dormitory would be easily accessible, so would encourage students to take a short break to keep their bodies fit. An exercise room could contain equipment such as weight benches and stationary bicycles(器械名称积累) that are too big to keep in the individual dorm room or too expensive to buy or transport from home. An exercise room, therefore, would be a great investment for the university because it would provide the students with training facilities that they would not otherwise have access to without leaving the campus.

  分论点2:保障学生安全A dormitory exercise room is also a wise idea because students would have a safe place to work out. The university could ensure that the equipment is clean and operating properly. On top of that, students would not have to leave the building to work out. Staying inside benefits the students in two ways. 原因1:避免路途中发生危险First, they do not have to worry about walking alone, possibly late at night when classes are over. That way they do not have to risk trouble with strangers or people following them. 原因2:避免温度变化引起生病Second, they are not exposed to a severe change in temperature. For example, working out in a warm place and stepping outside in the winter, a person can become sick. Such problems are prevented by staying in the same building.

  分论点3:有助于社交Another reason to have an exercise room is to encourage students tointeract with each other(社交万能句). Students may find it fun to exercise together, urging each other on. Students who enjoy exercising can meet each other and become friends. If the students only exercise on their own, they may not realize that someone else has the same interests. Even if they live in the same dorm, they might not have the same classes, and therefore, not have any reason to speak to each other. A common bond of working out together could be formed if the university installed exercise rooms.

  An exercise room allows students to work out on equipment they can’t bring from home in asafe environment with other students who enjoy the same activities. Therefore, adding an exercise room is a great investment for a university.

  balance out


  work out


  on top of that


  to risk trouble with _X

  冒着与_X 产生麻烦的风险

  a severe change in temperature


  urge each other on



  To improve the quality of life of its students, our university should create an entertainment room in each dormitory building. An entertainment room would give students a chance to watch movies or attend activities that they otherwise could not, would allow students to make friends with the same interests, and would ensure a safe environment to relax.

  分论点1:帮助学生省钱The stereotype of the “starving college student” may seem trite, but many students are on a tight budget and do not have excess cash for fun, extravagant activities(省钱万能句). Such students would greatly benefit from an entertainment room because they could, for example, watch movies without paying premium prices to go to a theater. They could enjoy a game of Ping-Pong without needing a car to drive to a community center with a Ping-Pong table. In other words, if each dormitory had its own activity room, students could enjoy a wide range of activities that they otherwise could not afford to do.

  分论点2:有助于社交Furthermore, an entertainment room would encourage students to leave their dorm rooms and interact with a larger range of students. Instead of closeting themselves in a single room with an internet connection to the outside world, they can laugh and talk with others about the activities(社交万能句). Students with different majors or from different grade levels may not have classes in common, but in the activity room, they can find others with the same interests and eventually become friends(社交万能句). Therefore, an entertainment room would provide opportunities to increase social networks(社交万能句).

  分论点3:保障学生安全Finally, college students often try risky or outright dangerous stuntsbecause they are living away from home for the first time. For example, they may drink a lot of alcohol and drive a car. In contrast, a dormitory entertainment room could provide safe activities. The room can be monitored so that there are no abuses of drugs or inappropriate behavior, allowing students to relax and enjoy themselves. In addition, if students get together regularly, they can easily observe negative changes in behavior such as a decline into depression(社交的好处、保护学生安全的万能句). Therefore, an entertainment room would give the students a chance to avoid dangerous activities and notice problems before they become serious.

  In conclusion, our university should consider adding entertainment rooms in each dormitory. Such rooms can allow students to participate in fun activities and meet others in a safe and supportive environment.

  the stereotype of _X

  _X 的刻板印象

  a tight budget


  have excess cash for fun, extravagant activities有多余的钱用于有趣的、奢侈的活动

  closet themselves in a single room把他们自己关在房间里

  outright dangerous stunts完全危险的特技

  a decline into depression衰退为抑郁症

  in a safe and supportive environment在一个安全的、支持性的环境中



