







  例1:TPO8 lecture 3

  Put the events in the order that they happened

  Click on a sentence. Then drag it to the space where it belongs

  Answer ChoiceOrderInexpensive eyeglasses became available-41The first eyeglasses were made-12The number of people interested in reading increased-33The printing press was invented-24


  考生可以首先看选项,通过选项的内容定位听力原文,从So we’re pretty sure that glasses were invented about the late 1200’s, well, over a hundred years before the printing press.Now let’s get back to the invention of the painting press in 1440. Suddenly, books became readily available and more people wanted to read. So the need, oh well, actually not only the need but the demand for more affordable glasses rose drastically. Eventually, inexpensive glasses were produced, and then glasses were available to everyone.

  通过原文中的glasses were invented about the late 1200’s和over a hundred years before the printing press因此可以判断The first eyeglasses were made发生在The printing press was invented之前。然后紧接着只有印刷术发明了,人们便的越来越爱书more people wanted to read 然后demand for more affordable glasses,因此答案为首先是眼境的发明,第二个是印刷术的发明,第三个是人们对读书需求的增加,最后一个是眼镜变得越来越适用。

  在做本道题目的过程中如何才能把答题需要的有价值的信息记录下来呢?这就跟托福听力原则相结合才能实现记录关键信息,例如So(因果原则信号词) we’re pretty sure that glasses were invented about the late 1200’s, well, over a hundred years before the printing press.这句话明显体现了听力的因果原则,考生在听的过程中遇到这类词就要认真听认真记录了。So the need, oh well, actually not only the need but the demand for more affordable glasses rose drastically,同样也是因果原则。Now let’s get back to和and more people wanted to read属于强调原则。




  1、a change of pace 节奏变换

  You can’t do these chemistry experiments all day long. You certainly need a change of pace.

  2, a far cry from 相距甚远

  The published book is far cry from the early manuscript.

  3, and how 的确

  A: She’s a good dancer.

  B: and how.

  4, a matter of time 时间问题

  It is only a matter of time.

  5, a phone call away 一个电话之远,愿意过来帮忙。

  If you need my help, do let me know. Just remember I am a phone call away.

  6, a while back 不久以前

  7,all along 一直

  I knew it all along.

  8, anything but 绝对不

  I was anything but happy about going.

  9, account for 解释

  How do you account for it?


  10, after all 到底

  A: I’ve just seen the X-rays and your teeth look just fine,

  B: I see. Then there is nothing to worry about after all.

  11, allergic to 对|……过敏

  Oh man! Something in this room is making my eyes itch. I must be allergic to something.

  12, at sb’s service 愿为某人服务

  I am at your service at any time.

  13, around the clock 24小时不停

  Martha studied around the clock for management exam.

  14, as far as I know 就我所知

  15,at home with 对…..很熟悉

  She is at home with problems like this.

  16, back out

  1) 退出

  A: Wasn’t Bert supposed to sing tonight?

  B: Yes, but he backed out at last minute


  She finally backed out of her promise.

  17, be cut out for 天生适合

  I’m not cut out to be a hero.

  18, be absorbed in

  She has been absorbed in a horror fiction. I can’t tear her away.

  19, be addicted to 对……上瘾

  She has been addicted to drugs for years.

  20,be attached to 对……有感情

  A: I’m amazed that you are still driving that old car of yours. I thought you would have gotten rid of it years ago.

  B: It runs well and I’ve actually been quite attached to it.


  21, back up

  1) 累积

  The subway is running behind schedule, and traffic is backed up for blocks.

  I don’t know if we’ll make the 6:30 show.

  2) 支持

  I’ll back it up.

  22, be bound for 到……地方

  The bus is bound for New England.

  23, be (feel) myself 找到自我

  I’m feeling myself again.

  24, be burned up 生气

  She was really burned up at the news.

  25, be hard up for

  I’m hard up for clothes, but I have a lot of books.

  26, be head and shoulders above 好许多

  In calculus, Joe is head and shoulders above his classmates.

  27,be in the dark 蒙在鼓里

  A: Do you have any idea what his notice is about?

  B: I’m as in the dark as you are.

  28,be stuck 卡住了

  I can’t get this window open. It’s stuck.

  29, bite off more than one can chew. 贪多嚼不烂

  A: I hear you’re taking an advanced physics course this semester.

  B: I think I’ve bitten off more than I can chew.

  30, break new ground 有了新的突破

  His architectural design broke new ground in the field.


  31,benefit concert 慈善音乐会

  We need to let everyone know about the benefit concert, but we don’t have much money for advertising.

  32, busy signal 占线

  I’ve been calling David for the past half hour, but I keep getting a busysignal.

  33,between you and me 你我之间,保密

  34,call for


  Tom just called for you.


  The forecast calls for heavy rain again tonight. Aren’t you glad we’ll be getting away from this for a week?


  It’s probably in the new part of town. We’ll have to call for directions.

  35, call it a day 就此结束

  A: I’m really glad our club decides to raise money for the children’s hospital, and most of the people we’ve phoned seemed happy to contribute.

  B: Yeah, I agree. Now we’ve gone through all the numbers on our list now,

  so I guess we can call it a day.

  36,cash the check 兑现支票

  Have your sister cashed her paycheck?

  37,clear off 收拾,整理

  It’s about time we clear off the desk.

  38,come down (雨,雪)下起来

  The heavy rain is coming down, now.

  39, come in first in the race 比赛第一名

  Not only did Jill come in first in the race but she also had her best running time of the season.

  40,come what may 不管怎样

  We’ll pick you up tomorrow at eight, come what may.











