




  Was last year cruel or kind to you, professionally speaking? Even if your career didn't take a hit, the tumult1 of the last few months may have you quaking in your boots over the future.

  Career coach Deborah Brown-Volkman reminds fearful workers, "Your career is long! Some people work for 40, 50, or 60 years. Don't get stuck in the here and now when what is happening at this moment is just a small span in a long career. Instead, create a vision to help you move forward."

  职业方面,你来说是好还是不好? 即使你的职业没有受到损害,过去几个月的波动也许让你对未来”双腿发软”吧。职业生涯教练Deborah Brown-Volkman提醒害怕的人们“你的职业长着呢!有些人工作40、50或60年。不要因为仅仅是漫长生涯的一小段的今天所发生的情况而困住。相反,建立一个远景来帮助你前进”

  Claim What You Want... 说出自己想要的...

  Deciding what you want to do doesn't happen overnight, but, according to Brown-Volkman, founder2 of a members-only coaching group to help people reinvent themselves professionally, the process can be simple. She says, "All of life's journeys begin with the phrase, 'I want... .' It's a very powerful phrase, and without it, it's hard to go very far." The career coach likens your professional journey to a trip, revealing that if you didn't decide where you wanted to go on vacation, you'd likely wind up at a destination you don't enjoy.

  决定自己想要什么不会一日之间出现,但是根据某帮助人们职业重塑自我的会员制辅导群体创建者Brown-Volkman,这个过程可以简单。她说:“一切探索从‘我想..’开始”,这是一个非常有力的句子,没有它,就很难深入“ 职业生涯教练将你的职业比喻称一次旅程,说明如果你从没有决定去哪度假,那么你可能结果会到一个不喜欢的目的地。

  ...Or What You Don't Want 或者不想要的

  It's hard to say what you want when you're not sure of it. She points out, "The reason certain people can't answer that question is it that it's too overwhelming. But most folks can say what they DON'T want. They can say, 'I don't want to work for a large company,' or 'I don't want a lengthy3 commute4.' The flip5 side of what you don't want is what you do want."


  Fight the Fear...克服恐惧

  If creating a vision is so simple, why don't more people do it? Brown-Volkman reveals, "People are lost and afraid now, and they're scared to say what they want because they're afraid of not getting it. When it comes to vision, sometimes people won't even say what they want unless they know they will get there or how to get there. But you have to create what you want first and then live into it. It's like a declaration1. It takes courage -- and a bit of faith."


  Ask Yourself... 问自己

  Are you ready to build a vision for your desired professional destination? Begin by getting it down on paper. She advises, "I believe if you write down your vision and look at it on a daily basis, it's more likely it will happen. Either consciously or subconsciously2, you'll take steps to make it a reality." Start with the following 10 questions. Adds the New York-based career expert, "Don't forget to allow yourself to dream a little bit; it's OK to do that!"

  我准备好了为一份渴求中的职业目标建立远景吗? 从写开始。她的建议是:“我相信如果你将远景写下来,然后每天都看一看,它就能可能实现。不论从有意识还是无意识中,你将都会采取实现它的步骤。”

  从下面10个问题开始。 来自纽约的职业专家还说:“别忘了让自己发挥点想象;你可以去梦想!”

  1. If anything were possible, what would I want to be different in my career? 如果一切皆为可能,你将希望事业生涯有何不同?

  2. What type of job would I want? 你喜欢哪类工作?

  3. What would I want to be responsible for? 你希望对什么负责?

  4. What type of boss/coworkers/team would I want?你希望什么类型的老板/同事/团队?

  5. What kind of hours would I want to work?你希望什么时间工作?

  6. What type of company would I want work for?你希望为哪类公司工作?

  7. What sort of culture would I want the company have?你希望企业拥有什么文化?

  8. What city would I want to live in?你希望生活在哪座城市?

  9. What salary would I want to earn? 你希望赚多少钱?

  10. What would I want my approach to stress, my workload3, and deadlines be? 你希望如何应对压力、工作量和工作截止时间?

  Get in the Game... 置身于其中...

  Once you have a vision, start acting4 on it. Brown-Volkman urges professionals, "Everybody needs a game to play. If you don't have a game, you get stuck in the day to day. The only way out is to say, 'This is what I want next.' You need momentum5 and action to move ahead this year!"

  一旦你有了远景,开始采取行动。 Brown-Volkman敦促职业人士们“每个人都需要从事一场游戏,如果你没有加入一个的话,那么就会陷入熬日子过。唯一摆脱这的方法是说出’这是我接下来想要的‘。你需要动力、行动在今年朝前进!”







