











譬如说,一个口语话题是a special building you want to talk about,如果你说紫禁城,就非常奇怪,紫禁城是一个cultural attraction,由很多古代建筑组成。

如果题目是an exciting experience,你说的是游泳,就不够恰当。Experience的意思是经历,一般是一次性的、不会重复的,和activity, hobby是有区分的,游泳是一个反复进行的活动。如果你说收到一个礼物,也不恰当。Experience一般是一个过程,而收到礼物是一个瞬间的动作。

如果题目是a sport you enjoy watching,你说的是瑜伽,也不恰当。Sport一般都是竞技类的,有输赢,而yoga是一种activity,exercise。




第二部分叫做topics cards话题卡。在这个部分,考官给每位同学一张卡片,学生将根据卡片要求进行一段时长为3-4分钟的独白,内容涉及到300-500个单词。学生独白前可以有1-2分钟的时间作准备,考官会提供给你一张纸和一根笔。


Describe a person who is your friend

Who he/she is

What he/she looks like

What he/she does

Explain why you like this person



首先,我们来看第一个问题。Who this person is?这个问题是开头的第一个问题,我们没有必要在这个问题耗时很多。但是我们在回答的时候可以联想与之相关的东西,然后引入话题。例如:I have lots of good friends. But speaking of my best friend, I think it is…….不难看出我们这样做就会很容易的引入话题。今后同学在回答第一个问题,完全可以模仿上面例子引入话题。


最后一步通常也是我们说的最重要的一问。一般让你就这个问题进行详细的解释。这时就要求我们同学在这一问上多下功夫。例如题目中给出的问题。Explain why you like this person,学生就需要思考为什么你喜欢这个人的原因(雅思口语很多话题都是这样的)。所以在此我们可以进行合理的联想。由于他很easy-going, friendly,或者非常helpful等等。在想出中心词后,我们需要给出例子,或者故事充实答案。这样的话,我们雅思口语最后也是最重要的问题我们才能回答的很清楚。而且中心词后面加例子或故事也会显得我们的内容很具有逻辑性与延续性。


雅思口语如何积累地道表达,其中一个方法就是Try to read in English, especially informal writing。有蛮多同学问到应该怎么操作的,我们就拿“黑五”来说一说。

当你看到一个感兴趣的话题时,先google (任何英文的搜索引擎都ok,如aol, yahoo, bing...)无数页的搜索结果中,咱们只需要看第一页的前几个。把前几个都打开,看看哪个页面的排版看着顺眼,文章比较有条理。我推荐以bullet points架构的这种文章,比大段大段文字的看起来更一目了然。无论你在为一个everyday topic做阅读,还是为一个part2&3的话题做资料搜集,看2-3篇文章就足够啦。


Busted! These Are the 14 Biggest Myths About Black Friday

Every year, savvy shoppers find deep discounts online and in stores on Black Friday. Whether they're looking for the newest, most advanced tech device or the perfect outfit for New Year's Eve, buyers know retailers will offer some of their best deals during this time.

But are all the deals great? Do you have to shop online to find them? And do Black Friday sales even have to begin on Black Friday? We've addressed these questions, and quite a few more, in our list of the biggest myths about Black Friday. Brush up onsome shopping knowledge now, so you're well prepared for the upcoming deal season!

光看题目和文字介绍就能学到不少了。myths 是指杜撰出来的人事物或者想法,比如Contrary to popular myth, women are not worse drivers than men. 是不是雅思口语p3就用上啦。savvy shoppers这个表达方式在范例中常看到,再次遇到,不妨查字典再确认下意思和用法!brush up on sth,这一看就是phrasal verb嘛,原来我怎么不知道这么来说knowledge呢?查下字典就知道,原来brush up on sth & brush sth up 的意思是to quickly improve a skill, especially when you have not used it for a time。比如I must brush up on my Spanish before I go to Seville.



2. You're Missing Out if You Only Shop Online

Companies advertise doorbusters in order to attract customers to their brick-and-mortarstores. But in recent years, as competition has escalated among rival retailers, thoseeye-catching deals have steadily moved online as well.

The reason is simple. Traditional retailers like Walmart, Target, and Best Buy know that online retailers like Amazon will match their best prices on in-store deals. Thus it only makes sense to offer the same deals online, to remain competitive. The goal is to beat Amazon, but the real winners are deal-hunters.

4. All Black Friday Deals Are Amazing

This is shopping 101. Remember, retailers are in business to make a buck, and they can't do that if they lose money — or even make too small a profit — on every deal.

Some deals are great, but others are filler. The great ones are there to lure you into buying more stuff, ideally at a healthy markup. So do your research and uncover the truth about those "rock bottom" prices before you buy.

6. Apple's Black Friday Sale is a Must-Shop Event for Apple Fans

Apple Stores across the country will be packed on Black Friday, but they won't be offering great deals. Last year, the tech giant offered gift cards with its full-price devices, which was pretty disappointing for shoppers hoping for a discount. If you want a real deal, you'd be better off checking out what third-party retailers like Walmart, Best Buy, and MacMall can do.

7. You Have to Stay Glued to Your Computer All Day to Get Deals

Sure, Black Friday can be stressful. With deals popping up throughout the day, you might feel like you have to keep your eyes on the computer monitor.

But that's simply not the case. DealNews has you covered. Before you spend 24 hours staring at a pixelated screen, set up an alert with us to receive notifications when your favorite deals are posted.

10. Luxury Goods Don't Go on Sale for Black Friday

It's true that Black Friday emphasizes lower-end electronics, however, in recent years, several luxury retailers have begun offering sales and promotions through their outlets. Stores like Last Call by Neiman Marcus, Barney's Warehouse, and Saks Fifth Avenue OFF 5TH are a few outlets you can expect to participate in Black Friday sales. Plus, even Apple products go on sale now!

12. Doorbusters Are Always Crappy Quality

Bargain bin devices have a reputation for being bottom-of-the-barrel items that nobody wants, and you have to be careful for retailers trying to pass off questionable devices as "special edition." But over the past few years, the doorbuster selections have been showing more flair than usual to entice customers. For example, we've seen rock-bottom prices on laptops with better-than-average specs, as well as eye-popping TV deals from brands you've actually heard of before.








雅思英语口语Part 1中最难的十话题



