




口语难题:描述一个你喜欢的家庭( 各位要注意中西方的价值观的不同,老外比较看重家庭的communications, discoussions, mutually supportive 等) 要尽量围绕西方人的观点去讲,分数会更高一些。

Describe a family (not your own) that you like.

You should say:

where this family lives;

who the members of thefamily are;

how you got to know them;

and explain why you likethis family.

关键词: 好同学, 父母以身作则, 相亲相爱, 广泛听取意见(包括小孩的意见),孩子被鼓励尝试新东西,不断积累经验

Beginning , Well, I would like to talk about the family of Vicky, one of my students. Her parents sent her to Shanghai, studying TOEFL andSSAT. The first time I met her parents, I was totally attracted by the grace of her mother and the easy-going of her father.

The parents set and keep standards of behavior (keeping them by example first).

The parents are loyal to, supportive of, and affectionate with each other. The kids grow up seeing mom and dad holding hands, laughing together, and building their relationship.

By extension, the family as a whole is loyal, mutually supportive, and loving with each other. Family members spend time together, play together, work together on family projects, and enjoy each others'company. Parents are available for each other and for the kids, and the family commonly eats meals together.

Wide-ranging discussions are common. Parents and kids listen to and learn fromeach other. They share information, points of view, and jokes -- which arenever mean-spirited. They know how to disagree without being disagreeable.

Kids are encouraged to have friends over, and feel comfortable in doing so. The familymaintains boundaries, but theseare porous rather than rigid: it's common for kids to have friends who are"honorary members" of the family.

Members of the family (parents and kids) are encouraged to try new things and to develop their talents and their sense of self. Theireffort is supported regardless of the results.

Along these lines, family members are not held to idealizations of who they are, are not kept to a particular age or developmental stage (i.e.,not letting them grow up), or assigned an identity due to their place in the family order.

Ultimately, the parents realize that they aren't raising children, they're raising adults.


What is Family? How do you define a family?

People who care and love each other with a heart filled with respect .

I would define my Family as a breath of fresh air!

People who you hate most of the time, but are forced to love unconditionally :

Bunch of people who will make you sometimes happy, sometimes sad but are always there when you need them, when you are going through good times and bad.

The ones that are there for you all your life through good and bad. they love and care for you even if you are the most hated person in the world, and always have a shoulder to lean on.

Some words to describe Family !

fun, loving, caring, compassionate, thoughtful, wonderful exciting, joyful, protective, loving, functional togetherness, lovable, trustworthy, funny, adventuress,spontanious, fun filled, halarious, god's angelsm, comforting

Say something about your Family!

My maternal grandfather's ancestor came from...

My family is big and hectic, but we're always there for each other. definately protective.

Unconventional, free-spirited, slightly bonkers, and occasionally irritating. But compassionate, well-meaning and generally pretty great.

We're not wealthy in assets, but we are richest in unity and support.

Mostly we just get together for major family events.

My immediately family is kind of large and I would not consider us close, though many outsiders do. I guess we are at least rather involved in each other's lives for people to say that. However, each of us is an individual and independent of the others, so that's what makes me say that we are not close. We get along, in general, though. That is the important thing.

And even within the immediate family, we're not especially close, we just kind of sit around and have meaningless conversations, and the closest we ever come to actual 'family time' anymore is maybe sitting down to play a few argument-filled hands of Gin Rummy.



Describe a family celebration that you remember. You should say

what you were celebrating

who was present

what you and your family did to make the celebration special

and why you enjoyed the occasion.


这道题目要求考生描述一个家庭聚会,具体的小问题包括:庆祝的原因;在场的人有谁;你的家人为准备 party 做了什么特别的工作;为什么你会很喜欢这个聚会。这几个问题,大家可以围绕后两点进行重点解释。







I’m going to describe my sister’s wedding day, which took place a few years ago in the town where I grew up. For my sister it was the biggest and most important day of her life.

I think there were around 100 people at the marriage ceremony, which was held in a church. Even more people came to the party, or the wedding reception as we call it, after the ceremony. Of course, most members of my family were there, as well as the groom’s family and a collection of the bride and groom's friends and colleagues.

To make the celebration special, we did what families normally do. My mother made sure that the church and the reception venue were nicely decorated - there were flowers everywhere! Obviously we all dressed for the occasion, and there were bridesmaids, gifts, a huge wedding cake, and so on.

I enjoyed the occasion because it was great to see my sister so happy on her big day. The ceremony was perfect, and we all had a fantastic time at the reception. It’s rare for me to see all of my family and friends together in one place, so that’s probably what made the day so memorable for me.


ceremony n. 典礼,仪式

reception n. 接待

bridesmaid n. 女傧相


雅思口语考试中,Part2口语考试有一个话题:描述一个你喜欢的家庭(还有一些communications, discoussions, mutually supportive 等) 是一个高频的话题场景。可能猛地拿到这个话题卡的时候会感觉不知道说些什么,可能会有词穷的情况。首先要了解西方人对于家庭重要性的逻辑,围绕家庭进行展开。



Describe a family (not your own) that you like.

You should say:

where this family lives;

who the members of thefamily are;

how you got to know them;

and explain why you likethis family.

关键词:一个朋友例子,父母是怎样的,互相关爱, 泛听取意见(包括小孩的意见),孩子被鼓励尝试新东西,不断积累经验。

Beginning , Well, I would like to talk about the family of Vicky, one of my students. Her parents sent her to Shanghai, studying TOEFL andSSAT. The first time I met her parents, I was totally attracted by the grace of her mother and the easy-going of her father.

The parents set and keep standards of behavior (keeping them by example first).

The parents are loyal to, supportive of, and affectionate with each other. The kids grow up seeing mom and dad holding hands, laughing together, and building their relationship.

By extension, the family as a whole is loyal, mutually supportive, and loving with each other. Family members spend time together, play together, work together on family projects, and enjoy each others'company. Parents are available for each other and for the kids, and the family commonly eats meals together.

Wide-ranging discussions are common. Parents and kids listen to and learn fromeach other. They share information, points of view, and jokes -- which arenever mean-spirited. They know how to disagree without being disagreeable.

Kids are encouraged to have friends over, and feel comfortable in doing so. The familymaintains boundaries, but theseare porous rather than rigid: it's common for kids to have friends who are"honorary members" of the family.

Members of the family (parents and kids) are encouraged to try new things and to develop their talents and their sense of self. Theireffort is supported regardless of the results.

Along these lines, family members are not held to idealizations of who they are, are not kept to a particular age or developmental stage (i.e.,not letting them grow up), or assigned an identity due to their place in the family order.

Ultimately, the parents realize that they aren't raising children, they're raising adults.



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