




  Describe a TV drama series you’ve watched(追过的电视剧)

  You should say:

  How does it look like

  Where did you see it

  When did you see it

  And how do you feel about this work




  Okay, so recently I’ve been watching “Power” – a TV series about a guy who comes from a poor neighborhood and makes a lot of money selling drugs – and then he decides that he wants to go legit; he wants to leave his past behind and make a legitimate business with his nightclub Truth. So, the series follows the problems he and his family have to face while trying to get out of the drug business and make a legal living running clubs. Obviously, it’s not as easy as it might sound – because all his old friends still try to involve him in drug trafficking, and there always seems to be some crisis or something which stops the guy from simply making a clean break and starting afresh.

  A friend of mine recommended the series; I hadn’t heard of it before, but I gave it a try. Watching a couple of episodes, and I kind of liked it. Each episode has good pacing, and the characters are interesting enough to hold your attention. The plot is also quite well written and has just enough twists and turns to keep you wondering what will happen next. Another thing I like about it is that the things that happen are credible; they’re not fantastically impossible scenarios like in some TV series – you can actually imagine how such circumstances might occur in real life and how these people would deal with them. So, the main characters are a guy called Jaimie and his wife Tasha and their two children, and Jaimie’s ex-drug partner Tommy Egan, who is still involved in the drug business. The other main character is government lawyer, Angela Valdez, who has an affair with Jaimie while the special task force she is a member of is trying to prosecute Jaimie and Tommy for drug related crimes. There are some other characters which recur throughout each episode, people who work in the club and other friends and contacts that appear repeatedly throughout the series.

  It’s now in season four, although I haven’t watched this current season yet – I watched up until the end of season three, so I guess I’ll catch up with it when I have some more free time. I like watching the episodes all at once rather than one each week. But it’s one of the best TV series I’ve seen for a while – the fact that the time flies past while watching it is always a good sign that it’s enjoyable.


  Favorite drama

  You should say:

  What is the name of the TV drama?

  What type of TV drama is it?

  What message did it convey?

  My favorite drama is Prison Break. I watched this drama 3 years ago. The drama has 4 seasons and all of them are quite gripping. The drama is about 2 brothers who break the prison in order to prove their innocence. All the characters in the drama are very good and I can definitely say that people who watch one episode will not be able to leave the seat unless they watch the entire season which quite exciting.


  This drama is an action thriller. I know that you might heard of these types of dramas a lot so I wish I could come with another word which could clearly distinguish from this ordinary word. I live in a conservative society where children are not allowed to watch movies or dramas with parental guide and even if they are allowed the dramas should not expose the children to adult content. This drama does not contain any vulgar content, yet it is very interesting.


  The message which the drama conveyed is that a person has to be strong in his or her life because a person does not know what might happen in his or her life. The drama showed that even when one brother was living a good life, he still sacrificed his life just in order to give a better life for his brother. The drama showed no matter how difficult the circumstances are, a person should never leave his or her loved ones in the time of need.



  Describe a TV drama series that you like

  You should say:

  What kind of TV series it is

  Who the main characters are

  What it is about

  And explain

  Why you like this


  Speaking of my favorite TV drama series, I really want to share song of joy with you. The first time I watched it was in last summer vacation when I had much spare time. My classmates recommended the series to me, so I embarked on watching that. It is so fascinating that I finished all the episodes in ten days.

  The TV drama series depict the life of 5 girls living in the same storey. They vary in personalities and backgrounds, but they have the same goal: chasing happiness. What is worth mentioning is that one of the girls experienced financial difficulties because all of her family members depend on her. All of them were too lazy to find a job and ask her for money. I was so angry to see this scene as her family is too ridiculous and ignorant. Also, it made me so sad when she obeyed the requirements instead of fighting back. After watching this, I felt so lucky to be in a happy family. My parents always treat me well and take me into consideration. Fortunately, the girl finally got rid of those with the help of other four girls.

  Honestly speaking, I have learned a lot from this, like love, friendship.




  Where do you usually watch TV programs/shows? [Why?/Why not?]


  Well basically, I usually watch TV at home because I hardly do that if I do not have a longer period of time than, say like, a few hours and for me, I spend most of my free time at home. I am quite a home person.

  What’s your favorite TV programs/show? [Why?]


  CCTV’s Daily News is my all-time favorite which I always watch with my parents and even my grandparents sometimes. We Chinese people have been nurtured with a habit of watching the daily news at 19:00 after supper when the whole family spends the coming half an hour getting to know how great the achievement has been made by our motherland and how miserable lives foreigners are having. This is almost a piece of behavior art but certainly in an authoritarian way. Love it.

  My favorite TV program is The Roast, which I cannot fully express my passion about it but I sometimes feel like concealing this hobby. This show is basically about a bunch of celebrities separately cursing the victim of the night in succession. The language they use really opens up my vision to the great potential of human language. I have never imagined such malice dwelling in our language. Literally a culture shock.

  Are there any programs/shows you don’t like watching? [Why?/Why not?]

  Of course. I’ll take the Daily News brought by CCTV as an example. It occupies half an hour of a night, from 19:00 to 19:30, which should have been used for more interesting shows especially when many people have only such a short time for leisure after a day’s work. But still, we Chinese people are haunted by the boasting news about our great motherland. What propaganda.

  Sure, The Roast is kind of painful to watch. The dirty talk coming out from celebrities gets dumped on a victim of the night with nobody caring the slightest about how he or she and the more general public feel about it. Just a bunch of lunatics coming together for a modern freak show. Alas.

  Do you think you will watch more TV or fewer TV programs/shows in the future? [Why?/Why not?]


  肯定的回答:Yes. I think watching TV really broadens my horizon. So many places that I cannot see for myself and stories that I can never hear about are presented in TV programs in a well-designed way. Even better, as a person of few hobbies, I can afford the time to watch TV as much as I like.

  否定的回答:No. Since I am a student relentlessly preparing for some serious examinations, I cannot indulge myself in such enjoyment and entertainment. Though it is relaxing to sit in the sofa with nothing in my mind but a pack of fried chips in my hand, I still have a bigger and more rewarding plan for the time.

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