





  Describe an important letter that you received.

  You should say:

  who wrote it

  what the letter was about

  how you felt about the letter

  and explain why it was important.


  Ok, well I suppose one of the most important letters I’ve received was an offer letter from a university I applied to – Leeds University, to be precise – so that’s what I think I’ll talk about.

  And as for who the letter was from, well, I can't quite remember the name of the actual person who wrote it, I’m afraid, but if I’m not mistaken, it was sent by the university admissions office, who I guess are responsible for handling such matters.

  Anyway, regarding what the letter was about, well basically, it was just informing me that I had been accepted onto their Master’s program in Finance, so it was really great news for me, because this was the course that I most wanted to study, and out of all the various universities that I applied to, Leeds was definitely top of my list, as it was the one that most appealed to me, in terms of both the course content and social life.

  So, as you can imagine, I was over the moon after receiving the offer. I mean, it felt like all the years of hard work I’ve put into my studies seemed to have finally paid off, so it was like a dream come true for me, it really was.

  And finally then, with regard to why this letter was important, well, I think it goes without saying that it was extremely important, because essentially, it means that I’m gonna be able to study abroad, which I’m sure will have a huge impact on my future career, as it will hopefully enable me to apply for jobs which I wouldn’t have otherwise been considered for.

  And as well as this, I reckon that studying abroad will help me become more mature and independent, which I’ve noticed has happened with a few of my friends who have spent some time abroad, and I’m sure this’ll have a positive effect on my life in general.

  So it’s a big opportunity for me, and I’m really looking forward to it!


  Describe a product from another country that you bought.

  You should say:

  what it was

  where you bought it

  what you use it for

  and explain why you bought it.


  Ok, well the first thing that came to mind when I saw this topic was olive oil, because I bought a bottle of it not that long ago, and if I’m not mistaken, I think it was from either Italy or Spain, so that’s what I’ve decided to talk about.

  And as for where I got it, well, it was actually just from my local supermarket, because it’s now started selling quite a few imported products, which I’m really happy about, as I always enjoy trying new things, especially stuff from other countries.

  And with regard to what I use the olive oil for, well, I’d say I use it for most of my cooking now, because it goes well with pretty much everything, especially bread and pasta, as you probably know, so I’m getting through it quite quickly, and I think I’m actually turning into a bit of an addict!

  But anyway, as for what made me decide to buy it, well firstly, it’s apparently meant to be really good for you, so it’s basically a lot healthier than most other kinds of cooking oil. And another thing to mention would be that I remember tasting some olive oil at a Western restaurant I went to a couple of weeks ago, and I liked it so much that I made a mental note to get some when I next went to the supermarket.

  So yeah, I guess these would be the main reasons, and even though it’s quite a bit more expensive than ordinary cooking oil, I reckon it’s definitely worth it.


  Describe a person you know who has a healthy lifestyle.

  You should say:

  who he /she is

  how you know this person

  what sort of person he/she is

  and explain why you think he/she has a healthy lifestyle


  Ok then, well, as soon as I saw this topic, I immediately thought of my next door neighbour, who I have to say, must be one of the healthiest people I know, as I'll shortly explain, so he's the person I'm gonna talk about.

  And as for how I know him, well, if my memory serves me correctly, the first time we met was actually in the lift of our apartment block, because I had just been taking my dogs out for a walk, and by the looks of it, he had just got back from a run, cos he was in a tracksuit and was sweating a little bit. And when he saw my dogs his face lit up, so he asked if he could stroke them, and that's basically how we got to know each other.

  Anyway, moving on to what sort of person he is, well, to put it simply, I'd say that he's a really sociable and friendly guy, which you can probably tell from the example I gave just now of how we met. But the main reason for saying this is that he often invites me, as well as other friends of his, over to his flat for lunch or dinner, which is really nice of him, especially considering the fact that I've never invited him for a meal before, mainly because I'm hopeless at cooking. So I kind of feel a bit guilty about that, even though he keeps telling me not to worry about it, and that also just goes to show what a nice guy he is.

  Anyway, with regard to why I think he has a healthy lifestyle, well I suppose the biggest reason would be that he's a real fitness fanatic, you know, he goes for a run literally every morning, rain or shine, and I know this because, on more than one occasion, I've looked out of my living room window and seen him running in the pouring rain, which to me is kind of crazy, but to him it's just normal.

  And finally I should also mention the fact that he looks much younger than he really is. You know, I couldn't believe it when he told me how old he was, because I originally thought he was in his early forties or something, but he's actually over fifty, and when I asked him what his secret was for looking so young, he simply said that he always made sure to get at least eight hours of sleep a day. So ever since he told me that, I've tried to develop the same habit myself, although to be honest with you, I'm not succeeding too well so far.


  1 Sunglasses

  Do you like wearing sunglasses?

  Do you often wear sunglasses?

  What kinds of sunglasses do you like to buy?

  Would you like to buy someone a pair of sunglasses?

  Have you ever lost a pair of sunglasses?

  How often do you wear sunglasses?

  Do you think you’ll spend a lot of money buying a pair of sunglasses?

  2Sports and Exercises

  What sport/exercises you like to do? Why?

  What exercises/sports do Chinese like to do?

  What kinds of sports are very popular in China?

  Would you like to participate in the Olympic Games?

  What’s your favourite sports star?

  Do you prefer doing outdoor or indoor exercises?

  Do you prefer doing exercises alone or with other people?

  3 Weather & Seasons

  What seasons do you like? Why?

  Which season is your favourite?

  What do you usually do in different seasons?

  Do you do the same thing in different seasons?

  Would you prefer to have (or live in a place that has) the same climate all year, or a place that has different seasons?

  Does your country often rain? Do you like it?

  Do you like living in a dry area or a humid area?

  Have you ever changed your plan because of the weather?


  1.Something you do in the morning/Morning routine

  What do you usually do in the mornings?

  When you were a child, what did you usually do in the mornings?

  Do you make a plan in the morning?

  Do you usually do the same things in the mornings?

  Did you do the same morning routines in your early ages?

  Do you think having breakfast is important?

  How important it is to have breakfast?

  Do you want to change your daily routines in the future?

  Are there any differences between what you do now and in the past?

  2 .Parks and gardens

  Do you often (or, ever) go to a park or a (public) garden?

  Do you like parks?/What kinds of parks do you like?

  What do you like most about (going to) a park?

  Do you prefer to relax with your friends in a park or an indoor place?

  Did you go to parks when you were a child?

  Did you go to parks when you were a child more often than you do now?

  Do you think parks and public gardens are important to a city? (Why?/Why not?)

  Do you think there should be more parks and gardens?

  Does your home have a garden?

  What kind of improvements would you like to see in the nearby parks/gardens?

  3. Drinking water

  Do you like drinking water?

  Do you think it’s important to drink water? Why?

  Do you like bottled water or water from machine? Why?

  Is bottled water expensive in your city/country?

  Is bottled water different with tap water?

  Have you ever experienced being thirsty?


  Do you like to paint and/or draw?

  Did you enjoy painting/drawing when you were a child?

  How often do you paint (or draw)?

  Do you think painting (or drawing) is difficult (or difficult to learn)?

  Have you (ever) studied (or, learned) painting/drawing?

  Why do you think people like to have a painting (or other artwork) in their homes?

  Why do you think some people buy wall paintings?

  Do you prefer taking pictures or painting?

  How do you think doing paintings is better than taking photos?

  If someone took photos or did portrait of you, how would you feel?

  Do you think it’s important to hang a few of paintings at home?


  Ielts speaking test section1

  1, test number 事先要把你的号码用英语读得非常流利

  2,name 告诉他你名字的特殊含义,还有最好是告诉他你的family name

  3, student or work , 程度, where are you study?

  4,what major? Do you like it?why?plan after graduate?

  5,food, the most like food (dislike food), describe healthy food, eating bobby, eating habits? How to change your eating habits?

  6, what kind of food do you like? Why? Do you find any problem in food nowadays? Are people pay more attention to the health food? Compare the people’s food habit in modern time and in the past?

  7, music, like or dislike music? Which kind of music do you like? Why? 音乐对人的情绪有影响吗?小孩应不应该学乐器?你有没有玩过乐器?which song do you like? When do you listen to the music? What difference between china music and western music?

  8, weekend, what do you do at the weekend? What would you like to do at the weekend? What is the most important thing at your weekend? 两天的weekend够不够?

  9,shopping, 你经常去shopping吗?chinese喜欢在网上shopping吗?男人愿意shopping还是女人愿意?人们一般去哪里shopping?why?介绍你们那里的商场的情况。

  10,seasons, the most like season? Why? What do you do in that season? 介绍你住的地方的气候。 And so on~~~

  11, traveling. Have you ever been any other cities in china before? do you like travelling ?why?

  do you like travelling alone or with other people? who &why?

  12, photograph, do you like photograph? what kind of photograph you are taking? What kind of photograph on your home wall?

  13, a school of your childhood?

  14, holiday.

  15, 你喜欢一天中的哪个时段?why?平时喜欢干什么?你认为你的业余时间够吗?重要吗?

  16,reading, do you like reading? When to read? How often?

  17, hometown. Where is your hometown? 你现在住在什么地方?为什么住那里?以后想搬家吗?如果有一个very nice flat, but no air-conditioner, 你愿意住吗?






  Ielts speaking test section2

  1, 喜欢音乐吗?什么样的音乐?都什么时候听?小孩子应该学乐器吗?为什么?

  2, 喜欢照相吗?都什么时候照?喜欢看照片吗?哪一种?

  3, describe a famous person in China. 你认识哪些名人?有一天你成为名人会怎样?说一下你最想见的名人.为什么? 如何做个名人,做个名人有什么坏处?

  4, describe a gift what gift you received make you feel special? who give you? what is it? why you think it is special for you ?

  5, describe your favorite room in your home? what it likes ? what is it? why you like it? what you do in the room normally?

  6, describe your best or favorite holiday, what? Where? with who? why do you think best ?

  7, talk about the clothing (jewellery) in your special occasions? describe what type of clothing will you chose in special time? :讲一种clothes/ jewellery的style? what will you look like when you wear them? how do you feel when you wearing them? traditional cloth in china, why people like to dress traditional clothes? any special meaning? Men’s fashion and women’s fashion, and so on

  8, 你喜欢什么体育运动?你认识那些体育明星?

  9, 你的个人爱好

  10, 做过什么有意义的事情?为什么做,乐趣,有什么特别?

  11, 喜欢吃些什么?谈一下健康食品? 什么是健康食品?什么是不健康的?你觉得10年前大家的健康和现在相比,有提高吗?

  12, 上海是个怎样的城市, 都有那些著名建筑. 你想为这个城市做些什么?有那些现象有待提高或者那些提倡.

  13, 关于朋友,希望和什么样的小孩子交朋友?问我小时候喜欢交什么朋友?

  14, 四季

  15, 你平时读书吗?读什么书?在哪里读?每天用多长时间读;

  16, 如何平衡你的工作和娱乐时间

  17, 描述一部喜欢的电影,在哪发生,内容,结局是悲是喜。为什么你最喜欢。请说电影的名字,讲了什么,是一个悲伤还是高兴的电影 并说明它为什么enjoyable?

  18, Difference between single sex school and mixed school

  19, 经常使用的交通工具. 你认为大连什么人有轿车?你认为轿车应在那些技术方面改革?轿车的优缺点,中国的交通情况,政府作了那些努力?

  20, describe the city。中国大小城市的区别。描述一个你喜欢的中国城市。 你认为中国城市未来发展怎样?

  21, change in your own life: what、when、how do you feel about it.

  22, describe a thing you made of yourself. When why where why you particularly prefre it ?

  23, 广告

  24, a place that you enjoy visiting。怎样才能enjoy the travel? 什么地方可以成为旅游胜地?你知道的一个很有名的的地方?



2.雅思英语口语Part 1中最难的十话题









